Projekat Rastko Gracanica-PecElektronska biblioteka kulture Kosova i Metohije
Kosovo and Metohia / The Land of Orthodox Christianity

Recomended: The Official Web Site of Raska and Prizren Orthodox Diocese

The Diocese of Raska and Prizren is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It comprises the vast area of Kosovo, Metohija and the Raska region in Southern Serbia. The seat of the Diocese is Prizren, the ancient medieval Serbian capital. The Diocese is known for its many old monasteries and churches from the Middle Ages. Despite numerous invaders who devastated many of these sacred monuments the rich Orthodox Christian tradition in this region has been preserved.

OrthodoxyDioceseMonasteriesParishesTreasuriesOrthodox LinksTextsSearch PageWhat's NewMailing ListsKosovo PageOrthodox Faith and Tradition

Comprehensive list of Orthodox monuments in Kosovo and Metohija

See also: Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate /The Official Web Site/

A Short History of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Introduction to the History of Kosovo and Metohia

The Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Kosovo and Metohia

The Shortened List of the Shrines of Kosovo and Metohija from 13th to 20th centuries

The map of most important Christian shrines of Kosovo and Metohia [500 Kb]

Everyday Life in Visoki Decani Monastery

ORTHODOX MONASTICISM PAGE (interesting links on monasticism)
Intervew with Abbot Theodosy
Read an inspiring travelogue by riassaphore nun Natalia about the monasteries and churches of Kosovo and Metohija

History and Suffering of Orthodox Church / Историја и страдање православне црквена Косову и Метохији


Post-War Life of Kosovo Serb Orthodox Monasteries

Crucified KosovoCrucified Kosovo - Destroyed and desecrated Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo and Metohia (June-October 1999) Complete & Updated Internet Edition

Updated List of Destroyed Churches

NYT, Monastic Refuge For Kosovars, June 16
AP, Serb Monastery Protects All Peoples, June 17

KRN, Decani Monks' Courage Saved Lives of Many Kosovars, June 23
Chicago Tribune, Abbess Helps Serbs and Ethnic Albanians, June 23

NIN, Those Who Stayed
Bishop Artemije, his monks and nuns help Serbs to survive, Jan 27


NATO Turns the Blind Eye as Scores of Ancient Christian Churches
Are Reduced to Rubble, The Independent, UK, Nov 20, 99
LA Times, Christian Sites Being Decimated in Kosovo
Boston Globe, Serb Kosovo Heritage in Peril
SPECTATOR - Christmas Desecrations in Kosovo
BHHR, Christmas in Kosovo

Help the reconstruction of the monasteries of Raska and Prizren Diocese

NEW: Decani Relief Fund • Help the Suffering People of Kosovo

Vladika Atanasije Jevtic - Stradanje Srba na Kosovu i Metohiji, od 1941-1990Вл. Атанасије Јевтић - Страдања Срба на Косову и Метохији, од 1941 до 1990.(1990.)

Вл. Атанасије Јевтић - Од Косова до Јадовна - Путни записи (1984.)

Вл. Атанасије Јевтић - Вапај Сраба Косова и Метохије (1999.)

Srpska crkva u II svetskom ratu Српска црква у II светском рату (званичан извештај из 1947. СПЦ)

Spiritual and Historical Thesaurus / Духовна и историјска ризница

Srednjovekovni spisi o KosovuСредњовековни српски списи о Косову (Монахиња Јефимија, Кнез Лазар, Књегиња Милица монахиња евгенија, Вук Бранковић, Раваничанин I, Раваничанин II, Раваничанин III, Раваничанин , Давид, Деспот Стефан Лазаревић, Јелена Балшић, Андоније Рафаил Епактит, Најстарији српски записи о Косовском боју)
Стефан Лазаревић - Речи са стуба на Косову

pdf format, Get free Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0

The Orthodox World-View, by Fr. Seraphim Rose
The life of St. Peter of Korisha
Interview with Fr. Theodosios, the Abbot of Decani
A Pilgrimage to Kosovo Today by nun Natalia
The life of St. King Stephen of Decani
On Summoning of the Great Council, St. Justin Popovic
Everyday Life in Visoki Decani Monastery

Текстови су доступни и на српском језику

Orthodox Christian Arts of Kosovo / Православне ликовне уметности

MONASTERIES (English) МАНАСТИРИ (српски језик)

Дечани / Грачаница - Пећ / Сопоћани / Пећка Патријаршија / Црна Река / Девич / Св. Врачи / Св. Архангели / / Св. Тројица / Соколица / Гориоч

The Art of Decani Monastery
The Art of Gracanica Monastery
The Art of the Patriarchate of Pec
The Holy Virgin of Ljevis Cathedral
The Art of Banjska Monastery
The Art of the Holy Archangels' Monastery


The famous icons of Raska and Prizren Orthodox Diocese / Познате иконе Епархије Рашко-призренске

Famous Icons of Decani Monastery (Centar Group Icon Web Site)

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