TIA Janus

The Patriarchate of Pec:

The Church of the Apostles
Church erected in time of Arsenije I (1250)
The Church of st. Demetrius
Church erected in time of archbishop Nikodim (1320)
The Church of the Virgin Hodegitria
Church erected in time of archbishop Danilo II (1330)
The Church of st. Nicholas
Church erected in time of archbishop Danilo II (1330)
The Treasury
Considered among the most precious in Serbia
The Narthex
In front of the three of churches
erected in time of archbishop Danilo II
( XIV century)

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Patriarchate of Pec, Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral and TIA Janus thank to all institutions and persons who helped in formation of this site and electronic library

Copyright © 2001 TIA Janus, authors and owners. Multiplication of materials without permission is not allowed.
