Miodrag Miša Novaković, a biography

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Miodrag Miša Novaković (Belgrade, 1940) is a prominent cineast, writer and cultural expert of Serbia and Yugoslavia: film and TV director and screenwriter, critic, theorist, aesthetist, director of the largest Yugoslav film festivals, film pedagogue. He is an expert for life and work of Nikola Tesla.


He finished primary and grammar school in Belgrade. In 1967 he graduated from The Faculty of Law and in 1969 he graduated from The Theatre, Film and Radio Academy department for dramaturgy (now Faculty of dramatic arts), prof. Josip Kulundžić class.

Novaković was the head of the Film center of Dom pionira, Belgrade from 1970–1972. He initiated and was a selector of the Film parade — the international festival of films for children and the youth, from 1971 to 1972; head of the Yugoslav film festival in Pula and the executive of FEST in Belgrade from 1972–1974.

His short stories, essays and articles on film and the theatre were published in Politika, Student, Odjek, Kazalište, Jež, Beogradska nedelja, Borba, Sineast, Ekran, Književnost, Filmograf, YU film danas, Filmska kultura, Drama...

He is the author of the books Fini ljudi (Nice people, published by Zadruga pisaca, 1967), Kako zalazi sunce (As the sun sets, Zadruga pisaca, 1970), Gledanje u film (Watching in the film, published by YU film danas, 2000). He was enlisted in the anthology Jugoslovenska filmska misao (1920–1995) edited by Several Franić.

He made short films Beograd na šoferšajbni (Belgrade on the windshield, the winner of the second prize at The first Jugoslav festival of the amateur films), Zima u Pragu (Winter in Prague; the winner of the third prize at the same festival), Oni dolaze (They are coming, on children who sing and play on the streets of Belgrade), Pijani brod (The Drunken ship), and the series of TV portraits: on academician Nikola Hajdin (TV Beograd), actor Raša Plaović (TV Beograd), film directors Žorž Skrigin (TV Beograd) and Žika Mitrović (TV Novi Sad), as well as film scriptwriter Ferenc Deak (TV Novi Sad).

For a decades Novaković has been cooperating with the children film amateurs in Serbia and former Yugoslavia. He took part in many discussions on film. He lectured on film dramaturgy to filmmakers, primary and secondary teachers, youths and children.

He has been awarded a great number of national and international prizes.

На Растку објављено: 2018-03-29
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