Style 2002

Anna Bednarczyk – habilitated doctor, literaturologist, her field of work is the theory and review of translations. She works at the Department of Russian literature and culture of the University of Łódz. Some of the monographs she is the author of: Wysocki in Polish. The Problems of Translating Sung Poetry (Wysocki po polsku. Problematyka przekładu poezji śpiewanej, 1995), Translators’ Choices. Modifications of the Literary Text in Translations and the Axiological Context (Wybory translatorskie. Modyfikacja tekstu literackiego w przekładzie i kontekst aksjologiczny, 1999).

Andrei A. Bogatiarev – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of General and Classical Linguistics at the State University of Tver. The sphere of his scientific interests: the theory of text, interpretative linguistics, hermeneutics, stylistics, rhetoric, esthetics of the literary-artistic text. He published over 40 papers. Textbook for philology students – Элементы неявного смыслообразования в художественном тексте (Тверь, 1998).

Srdan Bogosavljević – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Germanistics at the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology. He studied German literature and psychology at the University of Illinois. He achieved his doctor’s degree in 1983 with the thesis: German “Literary Travelogues around the Turn of the Century 1890–1914”. In the period between 1984–1987 he worked as assistant professor of German literature at the University of Skoplje. He published a number of papers on Hoffmanastall, Muesil and expressionistic verse, as well as papers on bathos and zeugma.

Giovanna Brogi-Bercoff – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Slavistics at the University of Milan. She studied Slavistics at the University of Florence. Her doctoral thesis was from Slavic philology: The Legend of St. Aleksei in Russia (Легенда о св. Алексеју у Русији). Her field is the comparative study of the historiographies of renaissance and baroque in the cultures of Dalmatia, Poland, the Ukraine, Russia; baroque in all Slavic and some west-European countries, the functioning and typology of multilingual literature in the cultures of Poland, the Ukraine, Russia etc. She published a great number of papers, some of the more significant of which are: Valori peculiari e generali del Barocco letterario nei paesi slavi. Status quaestionis e problemi aperti (Roma, 1996); “Istorija vo kratce” ieroschimonacha Spiridona: opyt issledovanija v kontekste evropejskoj istoriografii XVII v. (Moskva, 1996); L'opera storica di Jan Kwiatkiewicz fra tradizione europea e sarmatismo (Warszawa, 1997); Stefana Jaworskiego kultura polskoj, zyczna (Napoli, 1998); O jazykovoj situacii v Velikom Knjaěestve Litovskom i v Rossii (konec XVI-načalo XVIII veka) (Budapest, 1999); Miti italiani ed europei nella storiografia ucraina tra Seicento e Settecento (Padova, 2000). Prof. Giovanna Brogi-Bercoff also published several significant monographs of which the following is of particular importance: Królewstwo Słowian. Historiografia Renesansu i Baroku w krajach słowianskich (Warszawa 1998). She is the member of many international scientific organizations, in which she most frequently performs the duty of President. Since 1998 she has been member of the editorial staff of the well-known magazine Russica Romana.

Petar Bunjak – associate professor of Polish literature at the Department of Slavistics of the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology. His fields are the history of Polish-Serbian literary and cultural ties, the history and theory of translation. He is the author of the following books: Review of Polish-Serbian Literary Ties (until WWII) (Преглед пољско-српских књижевних веза (до II светског рата)) (1999), Polonica et polono-serbica. Огледи и скице (2001), around thirty studies and discussions, as well as around ten papers co-authored with Miroslav Topić (among others the book Polish Motives and Rhythms in the Transcription od Desanka Maksimović, 2001 (Пољски мотиви и ритмови у транскрипцији Десанке Максимовић, 2001)).

Andrew Wachtel – doctor of philosophy, professor of literture, associate of the Herman and Beula Pirs Miler Institutes, head of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature and Director of the Program for Comparative Literary Studies at the North-Western University. He is the author of various articles and books on Russian and South-Slavic literature, culture, society. Some of his more significant studies: Obsession with History: Russian Writers Face the Past (Opsesija istorijom: Ruski pisci se suočavaju sa prošlošću (1994)); Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation: Literature and Cultural Politics in Yugoslavia (Stvaranje nacije, slamanje nacije: Književnost i kulturna politika u Jugoslaviji (1998)); Petrushka: Sources and Contexts (Petruška: Izvori i konteksti (1998)); Battle for Childhood: Creating the Russian Myth (Bitka za detinjstvo: Stvaranje ruskog mita (1999)). Apart from his scientific work, professor Wachtel is also active both as editor and as translator of contemporary Russian and Slovenian poetry and prose. He is the editor of the well-known series of North-Western University Press: “Texts from Liberated Europe”, where the most interesting contemporary poetry and prose from middle and eastern Europe is identified and published. He recently founded a Consortium for South-European Studies at the North-Western University, of which he is also Director.

Radka Vlahova – doctor of linguistics, professor at the Department of Bulgarian at the University of St. Clement of Ohrid in Sofia. She has been vice-dean at the Faculty of Slavic Philology since 1999. She published a great number of papers on syntax, semantics, pragmatics, text-linguistics, the contemporary Bulgarian, verbal communication and stylistics.

Katarzyna Wyrwas – assistant professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics of the Shlez University in Katovice.

Nataša Vulović – graduate student, taking her master’s degree in the group for language studies at the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology. She works as a research assistant at the SANU institute for the Serbian language in Belgrade.

Stanisław Gajda – professor of the University of Opole. He is the author of the following books, among others: The Development of Polish Mining Terminology (Rozwój polskiej terminologii górniczej, 1976), The Bases of Stylistic Researches of the Language of Science (Podstawy badań stylistycznych nad językiem naukowym, 1982), Introduction to the Theory of Terms (Wprowadzenie do teorii terminu, 1990), Contemporary Scientific Polish – Language of Jargon? (Współczesna polszczyzna naukowa – język czy żargon? 1990). He arranged, among other works: Onomastics. History of Language. Dialectology (Onomastyka. Historia języka. Dialektologia, 1991), Synthesis in Slavic Stylistics (Synteza w stylistyce słowiańskiej, 1991), Variations in Language (Wariancja w języku, 1991), Systematization in Stylistics (Systematyzacja pojęć w stylistyce, 1992).

Mihail L. Gasparov – doctor of philology, regular member of the Russian Academy of Science, regular member of the Academy of Humanistic Research, expert in the field of classical philology. Fields of scientific research: versification, general poetics, translation theory and practice, Latin poetry, Russian poetry (particularly the 20th century). He is the author of around 300 works. He published the following books: Современный русский стих: Метрика и ритмика (Moscow, 1974); Очерк истории русского стиха: Метрика, ритмика, рифма, строфика (Moscow, 1984); Очерк истории европейского стиха (Moscow, 1989); Storia del verso europeo (Padova, 1992); Русские стихи 1890–1925 годов в комментариях: Учеб. пособие для вузов (Moscow, 1993); Избранные труды: [В 3 т.] Moscow, 1997. Т. 1: О поэтах. Т. 2: О стихах. Т. 3: О стихе: Ритмика. Рифма. Строфика. Вероятностная модель стиха. Блок. Пастернак. Маяковский. Стиховеды-стихотворцы; Метр и смысл. Об одном механизме культурной памяти. Moscow, 1999; Записки и выписки. Moscow, 2000.

Anna Ginter – adjunct at the Department of Linguistics within the Rusistics Institute of the University of Łódz and adjunct at the Department of Linguistic Communication of Polish Philology within the High School of Humanistics and Economics at Łódz.

Tereza Dobrzyńska – doctor of literary sciences, professor at the PAN Institute of Literature. She is the author of several significant studies among which the most important are: Delimitacija tekstu literackiego (Warsaw, 1974); Metafora (Warsaw, 1984). She is the editor of several well-known anthologies: Teorija tekstu (1986); Studia o tropach I (1988); Tekst w kontekcie (1990); Studia o tropach II (1992).

Milana Radić-Dugonjić – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Slavistics at the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology, where she teaches the lexicology of the Russian language and Russian to Slavistics students. Over fifty papers of hers have been published in international domestic and foreign magazines. She is the author of two monographs: “Inter-linguistic homonyms and Serbo-Croatian Language” (Dečje novine, Gornji Milanovac, 1991) and “Word. Sense. Cognition” (co-authored by S. Ristić, Belgrade University Faculty of Philology, 1999). Apart from that, she co-operated as assistant to the editor-in-chief and composer in the creating of the Russian – Serbo-Croatian dictionary edited by B. Stanković (Matica Srpsk – Sovjetska Enciklopedija, Novi Sad – Moscow, 1988). Her fields are theoretic and applied lexicology, lexicography, translation theory, teaching methods for the Russian language.

Miroslav Dudok – doctor of philology, professor of the Slovakian language and modern Slavic philology. He taught at the University of Novi Sad, of Belgrade, Segedin and Bratislava. He is an associate of the SAV Institute of Linguistics in Bratislava and the PAN Institute of Slavistics in Warsaw. He is the author of the following publications: Glutinácia textu v slovenčine a srbochorvátčine, Novi Sad, 1988; Vývoj slovakistiky, Novi Sad, 1997; Úvod do textiky, Bač. Petrovac, 1998; Náveje, Nadlak 2001; Slovenčina na konci 20. storočia, Bratislava, 1997 (co-author); Mesto a jeho jazyk, Bratislava, 2000 (co-author) etc.

Elena G. Zadvornia – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of General Linguistics of the State Institute of Linguistics in Minsk. She published over 70 scientific papers, and among them the monograph: Субъект высказывания и дискурса: человек говорящий и человек мыслящий (Minsk, 2000). The sphere of her scientific interests: lingua-stylization and lingua-poetics, lingua-pragmatics, analysis of discourse.

Reinhard Ibler – doctor of philology, professor of Slavic literatures at the Oto fon Girike University in Meideburg. Since 1999 he has been a full professor of Slavic philology (study on literature) at the Phillips University in Marburg. He published several significant studies dedicated to Rusistics, west-Slavic and south-Slavic philology. The sphere of his scientific interests: Russian and Czech literature, the comparative history of Slavic literatures, literature theory, typology and history of literary genres, poetics of poem cycles.

Switlana Iwanenko – associate professor at the University of Linguistics in Kiev, author of the monograph: Text Polyphony (Поліфонія тексту, 1999).

Alena Jaklová – associate professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the South Czech University in Czech Budejovice. Her fields are stylistics, text interpretation (she is co-author of Complex Analysis of the Communication Process and Text – Komplexní analýza komunikačního procesu a textu, České Budějovice 1987), slang, linguistic situation of the South Czech region (editor of the anthology Language and Speech of the South Czech Region – Jazyk a řeč jihočeského regionu, I–IV, 1992-1995) and expression of contemporary youth (author of the monograph Interdisciplinary Research of Lingual Activities of the Young – Interdisciplinárni výzkum řečové činnosti mládeže, České Budějovice 1986).

Milan Jelínek – professor at the Masarik University of Brno, of which he was also rector, and also teaches at the Shleski University of Opava. He is author of the monograph On the Language and Style of Newspapers (O jazyku a stylu novin, Praha 1957), co-author in the publication On the Every-day Czech Language (O češtině každodenní, Brno 1984), Handy Grammar of the Czech Language (Přiruční mluvnice češtiny, Praha 1995) etc. His field is stylistics (mainly the publistic and expert style), systematically works on the spreading of lingual culture and the popularization of the language.

Margarita N. Kožina – doctor of philology, professor, founder of the Perm school of functional stylistics. She published around 150 papers and works, among others the textbook Стилистика русского языка (3. ed. 1994), translated into Chinese. Monographs: Стилистика и некоторые ее категории (К постановке вопроса), Perm, 1961; О понятии стиля и месте языка художественной литературы среди функциональных стилей, Perm, 1962; О специфике художественной и научной речи в аспекте функциональной стилистики, Perm, 1966; К основаниям функциональной стилистики, Perm, 1968; О речевой системности научного стиля сравнительно с некоторыми другими, Perm, 1972; Стилистика русского язык,Moscow, 1977 (2. ed. 1983, 3. ed. 1994); О диалогичности письменной научной речи, Perm, 1986; Очерки истории научного стиля русского литературного языка ХVIII–ХХ в, Perm, 1994 (Введение, I разд.: гл.1–4; II разд.: гл.1–2; III разд.: гл. 1,2,5); 1996 (Введение, гл. 1–3); 1998 (гл. 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14).

Marija P. Kotjurova – doctor of philology, professor, head of the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics of the State University of Perm. The sphere of her scientific interest: functional scientific style. Monograph: Об экстралингвистических основаниях смысловой структуры научного текста (функциональностилистический аспект), Krasnojarsk, 1988.

Irina P. Kudrevatih – doctor of philology, assistant professor at the Department of Language Theory and History of the Belarus State University of Pedagogy “M. Tanka”. Her sphere of scientific interest: literary stylistics, text-linguistics, rhetorics, the culture of speech. Monographs: Стилистическая роль синтаксических единиц (блоков информации) в структуре художественного текста (Minsk, 2001); Лингвистический анализ художественного текста (Minsk, 1996); Риторика. Учебное пособие (Minsk, 1997).

Marzena Makuchowska – adjunct at the Department of Stylistics of the University of Opole. She published the book: Modlitwa jako gatunek języka religijnego (1998).

Aleksandar Milanović – master of philology, teaching fellow for the history of the Serbian language at the Department of Serbian of the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology. The sphere of his scientific interests: historical grammar and the history of the Serbian literary language, as well as stylistic problems of the contemporary Serbian language. He published over sixty papers and participated in 16 domestic and international scientific gatherings.

Lada G. Panova – master of philology, scientific associate at the “V. V. Vinogradov” Institute of Russian at the Russian academy of science. Fields of scientific work: semantics, poetics, general lexicology and lexicography, grammar, theoretic linguistics, study of literature. Master’s thesis: Пространство и время в поэтическом языке О. Мандельштама. Monograph: Мир, пространство, время в поэзии Осипа Мандельштама (Moscow, 2002).

Vladimir Patráš – doctor of philology, linguist – slovakophil, professor at the Mateja Bela University in Banjska Bistrica. In his research, pedagogical tasks and published works he pays attention to linguistic communication from the socio-linguistic point of view. He is co-author of two studies, 20 textbooks for primary school, about 50 papers published in Slovakia and abroad. He took part in 45 conferences, domestic and abroad. His work is focused on the function of linguistic communication in society, language and communication culture in the fields of public mass media and in political communication, on research in the domain of spoken forms of language in cities and in (interest and professional) micro-societies. He also deals with the issues of style, rhetoric, managerial communication and communication technology in teaching.

Ivo Pospíšil – Ph.D., professor, head of the Department of Slavistics of the Masarik University Faculty of Philology in Brno. The sphere of his scientific interests: literature theory, genology and comparativistics, theory of Slavic literatures, novel theory. Published monographs: Ruská románová kronika (Příspěvek k historii a teorii žánru), Brno, 1983; Labyrint kroniky. Pokus o teoretické vymezeni žánru, Brno, 1986; Основные понятия теории литературы, Praha, 1986 и др.

Dina M. Pocepnia – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Russian of the State University in Sankt Petersburg. Main sphere of her scientific interests: literary stylistics.

Tetjana V. Radzievska – doctor of philology, senior scientific associate at the “A. A. Potebnia” Institute of Linguistics of the Ukraine National Academy of Science. Works as lead scientific associate of the department of general linguistics. She published over 60 papers, among which the monograph: Текст як засіб комунікації (Київ, 1993) and the chapter Текстовая коммуникация. Текстообразование in the collective monograph Коммуникация, модальность, дейксис (Moscow, 1992). Sphere of her scientific interests: text-linguistics, functional stylistics, analysis of discourse, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, theory of spoken genres, socio-linguistic aspects of text pragmatics.

Tadeusz Szczerbowski – doctor of philology, professor at the Kraków Pedagogical Academy. Some of his more important works: O grach językowych w tekstach polskiego i rosyjskiego kabaretu lat osiemdziesiątych (Kraków, 1994); Gry językowe w przekladach “Ulissesa” Jamesa Joyce’a (Kraków, 1998); Anna Livia Plurabelle po polsku. Finnegans Wake Jamesa Joyce’a ks. I, rozdz. 8 (Kraków, 2000); Słownictwo kiriwiny z dzieła Bronisława Malinowskiego ułożone jako leksykon kiriwińsko-polski i polsko-kiriwiński według pomysłu Krystyny Pisarkowej. – In: Językoznawstwo Bronisława Malinowskiego. – Kraków: Universitas. – S. 103-417.

Marko Stabej – doctor of linguistics, assistant professor of Slovenian and stylistics at the Ljubljana University Faculty of Philology. He worked as guest teacher at the University of Maribor (1998, 1999) and at the University of Celovec, Austria (1999). He participated in various international scientific research projects, for example: Primerjalnosintetični opis v poljskem in slovenskem jeziku po drugi svetovni vojni. (International Polish-Slovenian project, 2001–2002) and Primerjalna skladnja slovanskih jezikov druge polovice 20. stoletja. (International project coordinated by the University of Kraków, 2000–2003).

Andrej Stojanović – doctor of philology, professor at the Belgrade University. He published over 100 papers from the fields of applied linguistics and teaching methods for foreign languages, syntax and functional stylistics. The narrow field of his scientific interests: scientific functional style of the Serbian and Russian languages.

Zamir K. Tarlanov – doctor of philology, professor, head of the Department of Russian at the Petrozavodsk State University. He bears the title “Meritorious Scientist” awarded by the Russian Federation, is a member of the Council for Russian of the Government of the Russian Federation. He published over 200 papers on the Russian language and its history, the language of belletristic literature, folklore, general linguistics and caucasology. Monographs: Сравнительный синтаксис жанров русского фольклора (Petrozavodsk, 1981); Очерки по синтаксису русских пословиц (Leningrad, 1982); Поэтика слова (Petrozavodsk, 1983); Язык и культура (Petrozavodsk, 1984); От слова — к образу (Petrozavodsk, 1988); Язык. Этнос. Время (Petrozavodsk, 1993); Агулы: Их язык и история (Petrozavodsk, 1994); Методы и принципы лингвистического анализа (Petrozavodsk, 1995); Основные тенденции в динамике синтаксиса простого предложения в русском языке XI-XVII в еков (Sankt Petersburg, 1998); Русские пословицы: Синтаксис и поэтика (Petrozavodsk, 1999); Становление типологии русского предложения в ее отношении к этнофилософии (Petrozavodsk, 1999); Герои и география русских былин и “Калевалы” (Petrozavodsk, 2002). Editor of 14 scientific anthologies from the fields of the language of folklore and historical stylistics.

Nurija M. Tomanova – assistant professor at the Department of Russian at the “Al-Farabi” Kazakh National University. The sphere of her scientific interests: semantics, stylistics, Russian as a foreign language. She published around 20 papers. More significant publications: О местоименной поэтике (Алматы, 1996); Коммуникативный аспект анализа художественного текста (Алматы, 2001).

Guy Russell Torr – works at the Jangielonian University of Kraków, Poland, where he is senior lector of the English language at the University Studium doskonalenia językowego. He studies the works of Chekhov, and deals with the translation of humor. He cooperated for several years with the University of Łódz in Poland on the creating of a five-volume lexicon of Russian thought Ideas in Russia.

Branko Tošović – doctor of philosophy, professor of Slavic linguistics at the Graz University Institute of Slavistics. He was twice lecturer of Serbo-Croatian at the MGU (1985-1989, 1992-1993). In the academic year 1992/1993 he worked as lead scientific associate of the Linguistics Institute of the Russian Academy of Science and scientific associate of the “A. S. Pushkin” Institute of Russian. Since 1993 he has been guest teacher at the Manheim University Institute of Slavistics (in 1995 at the Leipzih University). As guest teacher he lectured in Moscow, Poznanj, Warsaw, Bratislava, Loven, Tartu, Zagreb, Zadar and Veliko Trnovo. He published over 200 scientific and expert papers, of those 19 monographs and special editions. He translated several books and a series of articles. He participated in a great number of scientific gatherings. He edited the magazines: “Slavist” and “Prizma” (which he himself initiated). Served two terms as President of the Department of Slavistics in Sarajevo and one term as the Director of the Graz Institute of Slavistics (1996–1999). He was a member of the presidential board of MAPRJAL, president of the Slavistic Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and president of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Society of Applied Linguistics. He is member of the editorial council of the magazine “Stylistika” of the Polish Academy of Science. He published several monographs, special editions: Морфология современного русского языка (Sarajevo, 1980); Правопис руског језика у поређењу са правописом српскохрватског jeзика (Sarajevo, 1980); Стилистика современного русского языка (Sarajevo, 1981); Функционални стилови (Sarajevo: 1988); Руска граматика у поређењу са српскохрватском (Sarajevo, 1988); Српскохрватски језик (Gdanjsk: 1992); Стилистика глагола (Wupertal, 1995); Глагольный категориал (Graz – Opole); Корелациона граматика. Проjекционал (Graz).

Natalia A. Fateeva – doctor of philology, lead scientific associate at the PAN “V. V. Vinogradov” Institute of Russian, the sector of stylistics and the language of belletristic literature. She also worked as professor at the State Academy of Slavic Culture, where she lectured on the semiotics of literature, text-linguistics, linguistic analysis of belletristic texts. She has over 70 published papers from the fields of linguistic poetics, semiotics, text-linguistics, history of Russian avant-garde and post-modernistic esthetics. Monograph: Контрапункт интертекстуальности, или Интертекст в мире текста (2000).

Marten D. Feler – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Publication Organization of the National Technical University “Kiev Polytechnics”, professor at the Department of Journalistics and professor at the Department of the Ukrainian language of the National University “Kiev-Mogiliev Academy”. Monographs: Как рождаются и живут слова: Книга для учащихся (Moscow,1964); Эффективность сообщения и литературный аспект редактирования (Lavov, 1987); Структура произведения. Автору и редактору (Moscow, 1981); Стиль и знак: Стиль как способ изображения действительности (Lavov, 1984); Пошуки, спогади, роздуми єврея, який пам’ятає своїх дідів, про українсько-єврейські взаємини, особливо про мови і про ставлення до них (Drogobich, 1994); Пошуки, спогади, роздуми єврея, який пам’ятає своїх дідів, про українсько-єврейські взаємини, особливо про нелюдське і людяне в них (Drogobich, 1998); Про наших великих Духом. Есеї з україноюдаїки (Lavov, 2001).

Jana Hoffmannová – scientific associate of the Institute of the Czech language at the Czech Republic Academy of Science. Her fields are stylistics, text linguistics, pragmatic linguistics, theory and analysis of dialogue. She is the author of the monographs: Семантички и прагматички аспекти кохеренције текста (Sémantické a pragmatické aspekty koherence textu, Praha 1983), Стилистика и… (Stylistika a…, Praha 1997). She is co-author of the monographs: Говорни чешки језик у аутентичним текстовима (Mluvená čeština v autentických textech, Praha 1992), Поглавља о дијалогу (Kapitoly o dialogu, Praha 1994), Дијалог у настави чешког (Dialog v hodinách češtiny – 1–2, Praha 1996; 1998), Дијалог у чешком језику (Dialog v češtině, München 1999), Конверзација у чешком језику (Konverzace v češtině, Praha 1999).

Milosav Ž. Čarkić – doctor of philosophy, scientific advisor at the SANU Institute of Serbian in Belgrade, professor of Stylistics at the Department of Serbian and Literature at the Department of Journalistics of the Banjaluka Faculty of Philosophy. He published over 100 expert and scientific papers. A number of them has been published in foreign magazines and anthologies in Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and English. Monographs: Фоника стиха (Belgrade, 1992); Фоностилистика стиха (Belgrade, 1995); Појмовник риме – with examples from Serbian poetry (Belgrade – Banjaluka, 2001); Увод у стилистику (Београд, 2002). He is member of the editorial office of two international magazines: “Stylistyka”, which is published in Poland, and “Studia methodologica” in the Ukraine. He is member of the World Organization of Dialectologists and Geo-linguists seated in FR Germany; member of the International Committee of Slavists seated in the Czech Republic. The narrow field of his scientific interest: literary-artistic style of the Serbian language.

Maria A. Shirinkina – master of philology, teaching fellow at the Department of Russian and Stylistics at the State University of Perm (Russia).

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