Style 2007

Tatjana Anđelković (Татјана Анђелковић) –

Galina B. Bendetovič (Галина Б. Бендетович) –

Đovana Brođi-Berkof (Giovanna Brogi-Bercoff) – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Slavistics at the University of Milan. She studied Slavistics at the University of Florence. Her doctoral thesis was from Slavic philology: The Legend of St. Aleksei in Russia (Легенда о св. Алексеју у Русији). Her field is the comparative study of the historiographies of renaissance and baroque in the cultures of Dalmatia, Poland, the Ukraine, Russia; baroque in all Slavic and some west-European countries, the functioning and typology of multilingual literature in the cultures of Poland, the Ukraine, Russia etc. She published a great number of papers, some of the more significant of which are: Valori peculiari e generali del Barocco letterario nei paesi slavi. Status quaestionis e problemi aperti (Roma, 1996); “Istorija vo kratce” ieroschimonacha Spiridona: opyt issledovanija v kontekste evropejskoj istoriografii XVII v. (Moskva, 1996); L'opera storica di Jan Kwiatkiewicz fra tradizione europea e sarmatismo (Warszawa, 1997); Stefana Jaworskiego kultura polskoj, zyczna (Napoli, 1998); O jazykovoj situacii v Velikom Knjaěestve Litovskom i v Rossii (konec XVI-načalo XVIII veka) (Budapest, 1999); Miti italiani ed europei nella storiografia ucraina tra Seicento e Settecento (Padova, 2000). Prof. Giovanna Brogi-Bercoff also published several significant monographs of which the following is of particular importance: Królewstwo Słowian. Historiografia Renesansu i Baroku w krajach słowianskich (Warszawa 1998). She is the member of many international scientific organizations, in which she most frequently performs the duty of President. Since 1998 she has been member of the editorial staff of the well-known magazine Russica Romana.

Srdan Bogosavljević (Срдан Богосављевић) – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Germanistics at the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology. He studied German literature and psychology at the University of Illinois. He achieved his doctor’s degree in 1983 with the thesis: German “Literary Travelogues around the Turn of the Century 1890–1914”. In the period between 1984–1987 he worked as assistant professor of German literature at the University of Skoplje. He published a number of papers on Hoffmanastall, Muesil and expressionistic verse, as well as papers on bathos and zeugma.

Elena Bonta (Elena Bonta) –

Тadeuš Borucki (Тадеуш Боруцкий) – scholarly associate of the Teacher Training Academy of Krakow, member of the Translation Department headed by prof. Tadeus Shcherbovsky. Sphere of scholarly interests: translating, analysing Russian translations of Polish poetry and prose (K. Woytila, J. Tuvim etc.).

Irina V. Bugaeva (Ирина В. Бугаева) – PhD in philology, professor, Head of Department of the Russian Language and Oral Culture at the Faculty of Humanities and Teacher Training within the “K. A. Timiryazev” Russian State Agrarian University. Her doctoral thesis is devoted to the investigation of language and speech characteristics of Orthodox Christian society. This topic is also addressed in her two books – Агионими у православној средини: структурно-семантическа анализа [=Hagionyms in the Orthodox Christian Community: structural-semantic analysis] (2007), Језик православних верника крајем XX – почетком XXI века [=The Language of Orthodox Christian Believers at the End of the 20th and the Beginning of the 21st Century] (2008), two dictionaries: Речник акцената религијске лексике [=The Dictionary of Accents in Religious Lexis] (2009) and Речник скраћеница религијске лексике [=The Dictionary of Abbreviations in Religious Lexis] (2009), as well as over 150 scholarly articles.

Iriney Bulovich (Иринеј Буловић) – His Grace, the bishop of Novi Sad, Bačka, Sombor and Segedin, PhD in theology, full professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Belgrade University, at the Department of New Testament Scripture. He has published numerous theological texts and translations. For ten years he edited Pravoslavni misionar [=The Orthodox Missionary], a popular journal published by the Holy Hierarchal Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church. At present he is the editor of Beseda [=Oration], the theological journal of the Bačka Diocese. He is a member of the Translators' Commission of the Holy Hierarchal Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Pan-Orthodox Commission for Dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church, the Pan-Orthodox Commission for Dialogue with the Lutherans, the Commission of the Holy Hierarchal Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church for Dialogue with the Analogous Commission of the Bishop Conferences of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro; a member of the Commission for the Organisation and Observation of Religious Instruction within the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Association of Biblical Theologists of Greece, the Literary Association of Serbia, the Committee of the Movement for the Unity and Cooperation of Spiritually Close East-Christian Peoples, and the „Religion for Peace“ Council of Religious Leaders of Europe. He has taken part in many domestic and international theological and scholarly congresses and conferences, spiritual forums and in inter-Christian conferences and dialogues, as well as in domestic and international meetings and dialogues with Hebrew and Islamic communities, institutions and organisations.

Igor Burkhanov (Игор Буркханов) – doctor of linguistics, full professor at the Institute for English Studies of the University of Rzeszów (Poland). Since 1992, at the University of Rzeszów, he has been lecturing on semantics and lexicology, the descriptive grammar of the English language, the contrastive grammar of English and Polish, contrastive analysis and linguistic typology, the theory of translation, applied linguistics. He has and is still giving lectures at several Polish universities, among which we should mention: the University of Olecko, the University of Kielce. He was a lecturer at the University of Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan), etc. He has published over 50 scholarly works in Russian, Polish and English. His essential books: The Systematic Dictionary of English Adjectives, Baku: Elm, 1980 (in co-authorship with Z. Verdiyeva and I. Kerimzade); Учебный словарь системы понятий лингвистической семантики [‘Learner-oriented Dictionary of Concepts of Linguistic Semantics’], Rzeszów: University Press, 1995; Lexicography: A Dictionary of Basic Terminology. Rzeszów: University Press, 1998; Linguistic Foundations of Ideography: Semantic Analysis and Ideographic Dictionaries. Rzeszów: University Press, 1999; Translation: Theoretical Prerequisites. Rzeszów: University Press, 2003. Fields of interest: theoretical and applied linguistics, linguistic semantics, lexicology, contrastive analysis, language typology, translation theory.

Andrej Vahtel (Andrew Wachtel) – doctor of philosophy, professor of literture, associate of the Herman and Beula Pirs Miler Institutes, head of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature and Director of the Program for Comparative Literary Studies at the North-Western University. He is the author of various articles and books on Russian and South-Slavic literature, culture, society. Some of his more significant studies: Obsession with History: Russian Writers Face the Past (Opsesija istorijom: Ruski pisci se suočavaju sa prošlošću (1994)); Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation: Literature and Cultural Politics in Yugoslavia (Stvaranje nacije, slamanje nacije: Književnost i kulturna politika u Jugoslaviji (1998)); Petrushka: Sources and Contexts (Petruška: Izvori i konteksti (1998)); Battle for Childhood: Creating the Russian Myth (Bitka za detinjstvo: Stvaranje ruskog mita (1999)). Apart from his scientific work, professor Wachtel is also active both as editor and as translator of contemporary Russian and Slovenian poetry and prose. He is the editor of the well-known series of North-Western University Press: “Texts from Liberated Europe”, where the most interesting contemporary poetry and prose from middle and eastern Europe is identified and published. He recently founded a Consortium for South-European Studies at the North-Western University, of which he is also Director.

Aleksandar Vilkonj (Aleksander Wilkoń) – doctor of philology, full professor at Slask University in Katowice. He was lecturing at the Jagiellonian University, and the University of Nancy (1969–1972) and at Sorbonne (Sorbonne–Paris IV, 1989–1993). He is now giving lectures as a professore ordinario di filologia slava (Università di Napoli “L'Orientale”). He has published over 200 scientific and professional works. The most significant books: Nazewnictwo w utworach Stefana Żeromskiego (1967); O języku i stylu “Ogniem i mieczem” Henryka Sienkiewitza – Studia nad tekstem. Kraków, 1976; Typologia odmian językowych współczesnej polszczyzny. Katowice, 1987; Jezyk artystyczny. Studia i szkice. Katowice 1999; Spójność i struktura tekstu. Wstęp do lingwistyki tekstu. Krakow 2000; Z dziejów języka literatury w Polsce. Katowice 2002; Dzieje języka artystycznego w Polsce. Język i style baroku. Krakow 2003. He is one of the initiators of the most important stylistic ideas in Poland. The editor and founder of the series “Język artystyczny”, t. 1–11. Katowice 1979–2002.

Stanislav Gajda (Stanisław Gajda) – professor of the University of Opole. He is the author of the following books, among others: The Development of Polish Mining Terminology (Rozwój polskiej terminologii górniczej, 1976), The Bases of Stylistic Researches of the Language of Science (Podstawy badań stylistycznych nad językiem naukowym, 1982), Introduction to the Theory of Terms (Wprowadzenie do teorii terminu, 1990), Contemporary Scientific Polish – Language of Jargon? (Współczesna polszczyzna naukowa – język czy żargon? 1990). He arranged, among other works: Onomastics. History of Language. Dialectology (Onomastyka. Historia języka. Dialektologia, 1991), Synthesis in Slavic Stylistics (Synteza w stylistyce słowiańskiej, 1991), Variations in Language (Wariancja w języku, 1991), Systematization in Stylistics (Systematyzacja pojęć w stylistyce, 1992).

Veronika V. Gačenko (Вероника В. Гаченко) –

Mihail L. Gasparov (Михаил Л. Гаспаров) – doctor of philology, regular member of the Russian Academy of Science, regular member of the Academy of Humanistic Research, expert in the field of classical philology. Fields of scientific research: versification, general poetics, translation theory and practice, Latin poetry, Russian poetry (particularly the 20th century). He is the author of around 300 works. He published the following books: Современный русский стих: Метрика и ритмика (Moscow, 1974); Очерк истории русского стиха: Метрика, ритмика, рифма, строфика (Moscow, 1984); Очерк истории европейского стиха (Moscow, 1989); Storia del verso europeo (Padova, 1992); Русские стихи 1890–1925 годов в комментариях: Учеб. пособие для вузов (Moscow, 1993); Избранные труды: [В 3 т.] Moscow, 1997. Т. 1: О поэтах. Т. 2: О стихах. Т. 3: О стихе: Ритмика. Рифма. Строфика. Вероятностная модель стиха. Блок. Пастернак. Маяковский. Стиховеды-стихотворцы; Метр и смысл. Об одном механизме культурной памяти. Moscow, 1999; Записки и выписки. Moscow, 2000.

Sabina Gjergjel (Sabina Giergiel) –

Stefana P. Dimitrova (Стефана П. Димитрова) –

Tereza Dobžinjska (Tereza Dobrzyńska) – doctor of literary sciences, professor at the PAN Institute of Literature. She is the author of several significant studies among which the most important are: Delimitacija tekstu literackiego (Warsaw, 1974); Metafora (Warsaw, 1984). She is the editor of several well-known anthologies: Teorija tekstu (1986); Studia o tropach I (1988); Tekst w kontekcie (1990); Studia o tropach II (1992).

Livija Druguš (Liviu Druguş) –

Milana Radić-Dugonjić (Милана Радић-Дугоњић) – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of Slavistics at the Belgrade University Faculty of Philology, where she teaches the lexicology of the Russian language and Russian to Slavistics students. Over fifty papers of hers have been published in international domestic and foreign magazines. She is the author of two monographs: “Inter-linguistic homonyms and Serbo-Croatian Language” (Dečje novine, Gornji Milanovac, 1991) and “Word. Sense. Cognition” (co-authored by S. Ristić, Belgrade University Faculty of Philology, 1999). Apart from that, she co-operated as assistant to the editor-in-chief and composer in the creating of the Russian – Serbo-Croatian dictionary edited by B. Stanković (Matica Srpskа – Sovjetska Enciklopedija, Novi Sad – Moscow, 1988). Her fields are theoretic and applied lexicology, lexicography, translation theory, teaching methods for the Russian language.

Miroslav Dudok (Miroslav Dudok) – doctor of philology, professor of the Slovakian language and modern Slavic philology. He taught at the University of Novi Sad, of Belgrade, Segedin and Bratislava. He is an associate of the SAV Institute of Linguistics in Bratislava and the PAN Institute of Slavistics in Warsaw. He is the author of the following publications: Glutinácia textu v slovenčine a srbochorvátčine, Novi Sad, 1988; Vývoj slovakistiky, Novi Sad, 1997; Úvod do textiky, Bač. Petrovac, 1998; Náveje, Nadlak 2001; Slovenčina na konci 20. storočia, Bratislava, 1997 (co-author); Mesto a jeho jazyk, Bratislava, 2000 (co-author) etc.

Elena G. Zadvornia (Eлена Г. Задворная) – doctor of philology, professor at the Department of General Linguistics of the State Institute of Linguistics in Minsk. She published over 70 scientific papers, and among them the monograph: Субъект высказывания и дискурса: человек говорящий и человек мыслящий (Minsk, 2000). The sphere of her scientific interests: lingua-stylization and lingua-poetics, lingua-pragmatics, analysis of discourse.

Barbara Zandih (Barbara Sandig) – doctor of linguistics. Since 1979 she has been a professor of the German language at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany. She has published several significant studies in stylistics, textual linguistics and the linguistics of textual types, linguistic assessment, prospects and phraseology.

Rajnhard Ibler (Reinhard Ibler) – doctor of philology, professor of Slavic literatures at the Oto fon Girike University in Meideburg. Since 1999 he has been a full professor of Slavic philology (study on literature) at the Phillips University in Marburg. He published several significant studies dedicated to Rusistics, west-Slavic and south-Slavic philology. The sphere of his scientific interests: Russian and Czech literature, the comparative history of Slavic literatures, literature theory, typology and history of literary genres, poetics of poem cycles.

Milan Jelinek (Milan Jelínek) – professor at the Masarik University of Brno, of which he was also rector, and also teaches at the Shleski University of Opava. He is author of the monograph On the Language and Style of Newspapers (O jazyku a stylu novin, Praha 1957), co-author in the publication On the Every-day Czech Language (O češtině každodenní, Brno 1984), Handy Grammar of the Czech Language (Přiruční mluvnice češtiny, Praha 1995) etc. His field is stylistics (mainly the publistic and expert style), systematically works on the spreading of lingual culture and the popularization of the language.

Bogumila Junkova (Bohumila Junková) – PhD of linguistic studies, working in the Teacher Training Faculty of Jihoceski University in České Budějovice. She mostly deals with modern Czech language disciplines. She publishes works in the field of stylistics. Apart from the literary-artistic and scientific style, she mostly deals with various aspects of the publicist style.

Tatjana B. Karpova (Татьяна Б. Карпова) –

Margarita N. Kožina (Маргарита Н. Кожина) – doctor of philology, professor, founder of the Perm school of functional stylistics. She published around 150 papers and works, among others the textbook Стилистика русского языка (3. ed. 1994), translated into Chinese. Monographs: Стилистика и некоторые ее категории (К постановке вопроса), Perm, 1961; О понятии стиля и месте языка художественной литературы среди функциональных стилей, Perm, 1962; О специфике художественной и научной речи в аспекте функциональной стилистики, Perm, 1966; К основаниям функциональной стилистики, Perm, 1968; О речевой системности научного стиля сравнительно с некоторыми другими, Perm, 1972; Стилистика русского язык,Moscow, 1977 (2. ed. 1983, 3. ed. 1994); О диалогичности письменной научной речи, Perm, 1986; Очерки истории научного стиля русского литературного языка ХVIII–ХХ в, Perm, 1994 (Введение, I разд.: гл.1–4; II разд.: гл.1–2; III разд.: гл. 1,2,5); 1996 (Введение, гл. 1–3); 1998 (гл. 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14).

Ksenija Končarević (Ксенија Кончаревић) – PhD in philology, full professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade. Author of the following monographs: Teaching a Foreign Language in Philology Courses: Theory and Practice (Настава страног језика на филолошким студијама: теорија и пракса) Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, 1996; Modern Textbook of a Foreign – Russian Language: Structure and Content (Савремени уџбеник страног - руског језика: структура и садржај) Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2004; Language and Orthodox Spirituality (Језик и православна духовност), Studies in Linguistics and Theology of Language (Студије из лингвистике и теологије језика) Kalenić, Kragujevac, 2006; Teaching and Methodology of Teaching the Russian Language in Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Contributions to History (Настава и методика наставе руског језика у Србији у XIX и XX веку: прилози за историју) Slavističko društvo Srbije (Serbian Slavists' Society) – Čigoja štampa, Belgrade, 2010, several university textbooks and manuals and more than 240 works published in national and international journals, thematic magazines and periodicals and conference proceedings.

Marija P. Kotjurova (Мария П. Котюрова) – doctor of philology, professor, head of the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics of the State University of Perm. The sphere of her scientific interest: functional scientific style. Monograph: Об экстралингвистических основаниях смысловой структуры научного текста (функциональностилистический аспект), Krasnojarsk, 1988.

Mihail Kristek (Michal Kristek) – Master of Philology, lecturer at the Czech Language Department of the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in Brno. His field of scholarly interest: stylistics and rhetoric, especially the synchronic aspect, he also investigates the style of Karel Polácek, one of the renowned Czech authors between the two wars. Apart from studies and articles published in scholarly journals, he was also present as a member of the team Argumentace a umeni komunikovat (Argumentation and the Art of Communication, 1999) and Encyklopedický slovnik ceštiny (The Encyclopaedia of the Czech Language, 2002).

Elena Kroitoru (Elena Croitoru) –

Irina P. Kudrevatih (Ирина П. Кудреватых) – doctor of philology, assistant professor at the Department of Language Theory and History of the Belarus State University of Pedagogy “M. Tanka”. Her sphere of scientific interest: literary stylistics, text-linguistics, rhetorics, the culture of speech. Monographs: Стилистическая роль синтаксических единиц (блоков информации) в структуре художественного текста (Minsk, 2001); Лингвистический анализ художественного текста (Minsk, 1996); Риторика. Учебное пособие (Minsk, 1997).

Goran Maksimović (Горан Максимовић) – PhD of literary studies, reader for the Serbian Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries (Serbian pre-romanticism, Serbian romanticism, Serbian realism). At the Faculty of Philosophy in Pale of the Republic of Srpska University in Srpsko Sarajevo he has been working since 1997/1998 as visiting professor for the Serbian Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries (Serbian rationalism and romanticism, Serbian realism). In postgraduate studies (Language Studies Branch) of the Faculty of Philosophy of Novi Sad, in the academic year 2002/2003, he held the course Comedy and the Comical in the 19th Century Serbian Literature. Since January 2002, he has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, editor-in-chief and supervisor of the publishing activity at the same Faculty. He was editor-in-chief in the “Zograf” Publishing Company in Niš (1998-2000), and since 2002 has been the initiator and assistant editor-in-chief of the Slava literary journal in Niš. In addition, he is a member of editorial board of the journals: Književni list (since 1999), Bdenje (since 2002), Nova zora (since 2004). In scholarly and professional periodicals, collections of papers from scholarly conferences, and in literary journals, he has published over 170 studies, essays, treatises and reviews. He has published five author’s books: Umjetnost pripovijedanja Branislava Nušića (1995) (=The Narrative Art of Branislav Nušić), Mađija Sremčevog smijeha (1998) (=The Magic of Sremac’s Laugh), Domanovićev smijeh (2000) (=Domanović’s Laugh), Srpske književne teme (2002) (=Serbian Literary Topics), Trijumf smijeha – Komično u srpskoj umjetničkoj prozi od Dositeja Obradovića do Petra Kočića (2003) (=The Triumph of Laughter – the Comical in Serbian Artistic Prose from Dositej Obradović to Petar Kočić). He has composed two anthologies and edited over ten books for printing.

Bojana Milosavljević (Бојана Милосављевић) –

Valentina P. Musienko (Валентина П. Мусиенко) –

Jolanta Noconj (Jolanta Nocoń) –

Vladimir Patraš (Vladimir Patráš) – doctor of philology, linguist – slovakophil, professor at the Mateja Bela University in Banjska Bistrica. In his research, pedagogical tasks and published works he pays attention to linguistic communication from the socio-linguistic point of view. He is co-author of two studies, 20 textbooks for primary school, about 50 papers published in Slovakia and abroad. He took part in 45 conferences, domestic and abroad. His work is focused on the function of linguistic communication in society, language and communication culture in the fields of public mass media and in political communication, on research in the domain of spoken forms of language in cities and in (interest and professional) micro-societies. He also deals with the issues of style, rhetoric, managerial communication and communication technology in teaching.

Julija S. Pauli (Юлия С. Паули) –

Ivo Pospišil (Ivo Pospíšil) – Ph.D., professor, head of the Department of Slavistics of the Masarik University Faculty of Philology in Brno. The sphere of his scientific interests: literature theory, genology and comparativistics, theory of Slavic literatures, novel theory. Published monographs: Ruská románová kronika (Příspěvek k historii a teorii žánru), Brno, 1983; Labyrint kroniky. Pokus o teoretické vymezeni žánru, Brno, 1986; Основные понятия теории литературы, Praha, 1986 и др.

Olga A. Prohvatilova (Ольга А. Прохватилова) –

Tetjana V. Radzievska (Тeтяна В. Радзиевска) – doctor of philology, senior scientific associate at the “A. A. Potebnia” Institute of Linguistics of the Ukraine National Academy of Science. Works as lead scientific associate of the department of general linguistics. She published over 60 papers, among which the monograph: Текст як засіб комунікації (Київ, 1993) and the chapter Текстовая коммуникация. Текстообразование in the collective monograph Коммуникация, модальность, дейксис (Moscow, 1992). Sphere of her scientific interests: text-linguistics, functional stylistics, analysis of discourse, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, theory of spoken genres, socio-linguistic aspects of text pragmatics.

Miloje M. Rakočević (Милоје М. Ракочевић) – doctor of chemistry, full professor at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Niš, where he teaches the methodology, philosophy and history of natural sciences. He also teaches in postgraduate studies at the Centre for Molecular Machines of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade (the theory of the genetic code and information biology). He is primarily dealing with investigations of the possible existence of a universal code of nature on examples of the genetic code and the chemical code (the periodic table of chemical elements), and also on examples of literary classics (Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin, Njegoš, Tolstoy...) (works published in the journals Književnost (Literature), Srpski književni glasnik (Serbian Literary Gazette) etc. He has published several monographs: Genetičke informacije (Genetic Information) (Stručna knjiga, Belgrade, 1988), Geni, molekuli, jezik (Genes, Molecules, Language) (Naučna knjiga, Belgrade, 1988), Logic of the Genetic Code (Naučna knjiga, Belgrade, 1994), Genetic Code as a Unique System (SKC, Niš, 1997), Njegošev iskonski logos (Njegoš’s Ancient Logos) I and II (Interpres, Belgrade, I – 2000 and II – 2003). He has also published a substantial number of scientific works, both in home and international journals (Journal of Theoretical Biology; Biosystems; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology). He is an expert in the field of genetic biochemistry and general chemistry at the national level, as well as in the field of “the initial genetic information” with the international foundation Origin-of-Life (Meryland, USA).

Zoran Ranković (Зоран Ранковић) –

Daniela Slančova (Daniela Slančová) – doctor of philology, professor of the Slovakian language at the Department of the Slovakian Language and Literature of Presov University. She completed her thesis at Presov University. She gained her doctor’s degree at the University “Jan Amos Komensky” in Bratislava with the theme Linguistic and Stylistic Characteristics of the Essay and Essayist Style (1983). Her field of scholarly interest: stylistics, sociolinguistics, linguistic bibliography, children’s speech. She has published three books: Practical Stylistics (Praktická štylistika, 1994, 1996), Fundamentals of Practical Rhetoric (Základy praktickej rétoriky, 2001), The Language of the Author and of Love (Reč autority a lásky, 1999). She is the author of over 60 scholarly studies, as well as a large number of reviews and popular articles. She worked as a foreign language instructor at “John Carroll” University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, etc.

Barbara Stavaž (Barbara Stawarz) – doctor of philology, professor of Krakow Pedagogic Academy. She has published numerous scholarly and expert works, and among the most important there are two monographs: Liryka Aleksandra Puszkina. Systematyka i ewolucja gatunków (Krakow, 1995) and Rosyjska poezja antologiczna XIX wieku (Krakow, 1999).

Andrej Stojanović (Андреј Стојановић) – doctor of philology, professor at the Belgrade University. He published over 100 papers from the fields of applied linguistics and teaching methods for foreign languages, syntax and functional stylistics. The narrow field of his scientific interests: scientific functional style of the Serbian and Russian languages.

Lidija Tanturovska (Лидија Тантуровска) –

Zamir K. Tarlanov (Замир К. Тарланов) – doctor of philology, professor, head of the Department of Russian at the Petrozavodsk State University. He bears the title “Meritorious Scientist” awarded by the Russian Federation, is a member of the Council for Russian of the Government of the Russian Federation. He published over 200 papers on the Russian language and its history, the language of belletristic literature, folklore, general linguistics and caucasology. Monographs: Сравнительный синтаксис жанров русского фольклора (Petrozavodsk, 1981); Очерки по синтаксису русских пословиц (Leningrad, 1982); Поэтика слова (Petrozavodsk, 1983); Язык и культура (Petrozavodsk, 1984); От слова — к образу (Petrozavodsk, 1988); Язык. Этнос. Время (Petrozavodsk, 1993); Агулы: Их язык и история (Petrozavodsk, 1994); Методы и принципы лингвистического анализа (Petrozavodsk, 1995); Основные тенденции в динамике синтаксиса простого предложения в русском языке XI-XVII в еков (Sankt Petersburg, 1998); Русские пословицы: Синтаксис и поэтика (Petrozavodsk, 1999); Становление типологии русского предложения в ее отношении к этнофилософии (Petrozavodsk, 1999); Герои и география русских былин и “Калевалы” (Petrozavodsk, 2002). Editor of 14 scientific anthologies from the fields of the language of folklore and historical stylistics.

Kšišto Trohimjuk (Krzysztof Trochimiuk) –

Alma Chisich (Алма Ћишић) – a doctor of humanities in the field of linguistics. She was awarded the PhD degree at the Faculty of Philology of Opole University in Poland in 2008. The topic of her doctoral dissertation are interjections in Bosniak, Croatian, Serbian, and Polish romantic poetry, focusing on the following aspects: phonological, semantic and stylistic. She publishes articles in domestic and foreign journals and collections of papers. The sphere of scholarly interest: the stylistics and grammar of Slavic languages.

Jana Hofmanova (Jana Hoffmannová) – scientific associate of the Institute of the Czech language at the Czech Republic Academy of Science. Her fields are stylistics, text linguistics, pragmatic linguistics, theory and analysis of dialogue. She is the author of the monographs: Семантички и прагматички аспекти кохеренције текста (Sémantické a pragmatické aspekty koherence textu, Praha 1983), Стилистика и… (Stylistika a…, Praha 1997). She is co-author of the monographs: Говорни чешки језик у аутентичним текстовима (Mluvená čeština v autentických textech, Praha 1992), Поглавља о дијалогу (Kapitoly o dialogu, Praha 1994), Дијалог у настави чешког (Dialog v hodinách češtiny – 1–2, Praha 1996; 1998), Дијалог у чешком језику (Dialog v češtině, München 1999), Конверзација у чешком језику (Konverzace v češtině, Praha 1999).

Milosav Ž. Čarkić – doctor of philosophy, scientific advisor at the Serbian Language Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade. He worked as a visiting professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš (Serbia), the Faculty of Philosophy in Banjaluka (Republic of Srpska), and at the Faculty of Philosophy and Special Education in Tuzla (Bosnia Herzegovina). He has published over 100 expert and scientific papers. A number of them has been published in foreign magazines and anthologies in Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and English. Monographs: Фоника стиха (Belgrade, 1992); Фоностилистика стиха (Belgrade, 1995); Појмовник риме – with examples from Serbian poetry (Belgrade – Banjaluka, 2001); Увод у стилистику (Београд, 2002); Стилистика стиха (Belgrade, 2006). He is a member of the editorial office of two international magazines: “Stylistyka”, which is published in Poland, and “Studia methodologica” in the Ukraine. He has given many lectures on call at different universities in Slavic and West European countries. He is member of the World Organization of Dialectologists and Geo-linguists seated in FR Germany, and of the International Committee of Slavists seated in the Czech Republic. For the achieved results in scholarship and the development of stylistics within Slavic studies, he acquired an honorary Russian doctorate in 2005. In 2006 he was appointed lecturer at the University of Opole (Poland).

Valerija E. Černjavska (Валерия Е. Чернявская) – doctor of philology, professor, Head of the Department of Germanic Languages and Translation of the State University of Economics and Financing in Sanct Petersburg. She has published around 50 scholarly works, including three monographs and four university textbooks. The most important books: Интертекстуальное взаимодействие как основа научной коммуникации (Sanct Petersburg, 1999), Интерпретация научного текста (Sanct Petersburg, 2004). The sphere of scholarly interests: text linguistics, discourse theory and analysis, text typology, the issues of the science of all sciences and scientific communication. She is a member of the Linguistic Society of Sanct Petersburg, the Russian Linguistic Association of Cognitologists etc.

Marija Čehova (Marie Čehová) –

Branimir Čović (Бранимир Човић) – doctor of philology, full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. He is a member of the Literary Association of Serbia, the Association of Literary Translators of Serbia, a full member – associate of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, and of the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. The editor of the Library of Komparatistika (“Comparative Studies”) at the “Vedes” Publishing House from Belgrade. He is a long-standing organizer of faculty scholarly projects (of many years’ and annual duration – of importance for the development of scholarly disciplines) of the Ministry for Science, Technology and Development of the Republic of Serbia. He has participated in about 80 international scholarly meetings. So far he has published over one hundred studies and treatises. Published monographs: Umetnost prevođenja ili zanat (The Art or Craft of Translation) (1986), Poetska slika (The Poetic Image) (1989), Stil istorijske proze A.N. Tolstoja (The Style of the Historical Prose of A.N. Tolstoy) (1991), Poetika književnog prevođenja (The Poetics of Literary Translation) (1994), Seobe Miloša Crnjanskog u kontekstu modernog ruskog istorijskog romana (Migrations by Miloš Crnjanski in the Context of the Modern Russian Historical Novel) (2001). Currently forthcoming: Osnove naratologije (Fundamentals of Narratology), Njegoš i Rusi (Njegoš and the Russians), Rana ars poetika Maksima Gorkog (The Early Ars Poetica of Maksim Gorky).

Aleksandra Šipova (Alexandra Šípová) –

Irena Ščepankovska (Irena Szczepankowska) –

Tadeuš Ščerbovski (Tadeusz Szczerbowski) – doctor of philology, professor at the Kraków Pedagogical Academy. Some of his more important works: O grach językowych w tekstach polskiego i rosyjskiego kabaretu lat osiemdziesiątych (Kraków, 1994); Gry językowe w przekladach “Ulissesa” Jamesa Joyce’a (Kraków, 1998); Anna Livia Plurabelle po polsku. Finnegans Wake Jamesa Joyce’a ks. I, rozdz. 8 (Kraków, 2000); Słownictwo kiriwiny z dzieła Bronisława Malinowskiego ułożone jako leksykon kiriwińsko-polski i polsko-kiriwiński według pomysłu Krystyny Pisarkowej. – In: Językoznawstwo Bronisława Malinowskiego. – Kraków: Universitas. – S. 103-417.

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