Instruction to Authors When writing a text, you should follow a simple rule: text formatting is to be minimal. Most formats will anyway have to be removed during the text layout. Therefore you should not make work harder than necessary, either to yourselves or others. 1. The length of articles is limited to 16 author’s pages (a maximum of 32,000 letter characters – letters, punctuation signs and spaces). The information on the number of characters can be obtained by choosing the command Tools>Word Count … option Characters (with spaces). A full page of the “Stil” Magazine numbers approximately between 3000 and 3500 letter characters. 2. Titles are separated from previous paragraphs by two empty lines, and by one empty line from the following ones. 3. At the beginning of the text (after the title) you should provide an abstract (no more than 5 lines) in one of the world’s most spoken languages (English, Russian, German, French) and up to ten key words in the language the principal text has been written in. 4. At the end of the article there should be a summary of no more than a page in English, French or German (for articles written in a Slavic language), or in Russian (for articles written in a Western-European language). As the summaries will not be proofread, the authors are expected to declare in writing that the summaries have been checked by a native speaker or examined by a competent expert for the language. 5. The texts can be submitted in writing, in electronic form or on paper… Electronic text can be prepared in any version of the MS Word for Windows, or in the format *.DOC (Word Document) and *. RTF (Rich Text Format), or in any text-editor where it is only necessary to separate paragraphs by an empty line and to set apart footnotes as separate part of the text. Electronic documents can be sent on a floppy disc or by e-mail. It is desirable that texts on discs should be copied in two files – the basic and backup ones. The reason for this is disc unreliability and the possibility of their damaging during delivery. A text in written form on paper should be delivered in two copies. By no means should you make illustrations and diagrams (even the simplest ones) in the Microsoft Word for Windows Program. Illustrations, formulae, diagrams and graphs are to be sent separately. 6. You are kindly requested to send only completely finished texts. 7. As the basic letter form (font) you are supposed to use Times New Roman. Special signs, not included in the standard set of symbols within the Windows installation version, should be sent on a disc or by e-mail. A text should include only two letter heights: the text-standard height (for example, 11 or 12 points) and a two grades lower one for footnotes, literature, abstract and summary (for example 9 or 10 points). 8. The text is set without spacing (WinWord): Format>Paragraph>Line Spacing>Single. 9. You should never mark a text by spacing (making spaces between letters of a word) or by writing a whole word in capital letters (versal). Wrong: Marking by
spacing is forbidden! Wrong: Marking by ALL CAPS (VERSAL) is forbidden! A text is marked sufficiently enough if you turn it into italics. Correct: Marking by italics is correct. If a whole sentence is in italics, certain elements and parts can be additionally marked by bold italics. Correct: Marking in the bold italic style in an italic text is correct. Attention: Frequent marking in the bold style is non-functional and makes reading difficult. Attention: Marking by underlining distorts letter forms, word forms, and makes reading difficult. You should especially avoid double marking – by quotation marks and italics (or in some other way). Quotation marks have a particular function and only specific things are marked by them: when someone’s text is cited (quoted) word for word, when a false, alleged or ironic meaning is being emphasised, and in marking work titles, symbolic names etc. Wrong: you should not mark the text “doubly” or “triply”! 10. Try to use the quotation marks stipulated by the typographic norm of the language you are writing in. We would appreciate if you did not mix different types of quotation marks. Examples: Serbian and German quotation marks („p“) and semi-quotation marks (‘p’). English quotation marks (‘p’) and semi-quotation marks (“p”). American quotation marks (“p”) and semi-quotation marks (‘p’). French, Russian and Italian quotation marks («p») and semi-quotation marks (‹p›). Quotation marks of ethnic communities of the German-speaking areas in Italy and Switzerland (»p«) and semi-quotation marks (›p‹). If you are not familiar with the typographic norm, you can use any of the quotation marks offered, but consistently throughout the text. 11. If certain parts are omitted when citing, you should use et cetera in square brackets: Example: The question of word meanings […] is a very complex one (Petrović 1967: 56). 12. Examples in other languages should be quoted in the original (transliteration in brackets desirable). 13. The bibliographic data in a text are included in the following manner: (Skubalanka, 1988: 11). (Stevanović 1978: 130–134). 14. The list of literature should be included at the end of the text in accordance with the samples provided. The authors are kindly asked to strictly observe the set form, ie. the order of the data: a) special editions (monographs, books etc.) – Examples: Belić 1998: Belić, Aleksandar. Opšta lingvistika. – Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. – 589 s. (Belic 1998: Belic, Aleksandar. General Linguistics. – Belgrade: published by Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva. – 589 p.). Mala enc. Prosveta 1968: Mala enciklopedija
Prosveta. Opšta enciklopedija. – Beograd: Prosveta, 1968. – Drugo izdanje.
– 970 s. (A Small Prosveta Encyclopaedia 1968: A Small Prosveta Encyclopaedia.
A General Encyclopaedia. – Belgrade: published by Prosveta, 1968 – 2nd
ed. – 970 p.) Rečnik SANU 1962–2000: Rečnik srpskohrvatskog književnog i narodnog jezika. – Beograd: Institut za srpskohrvatski jezik SANU. (Dictionary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 1962–2000: Dictionary of the Standard and Vernacular Serbo-Croatian Language. – Belgrade: Institute for the Serbo-Croatian Language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.). Glück 19933: Glück, H. (Hrsg.) Metzler Lexicon Sprache. – Stutgart – Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler. – 711 s. (The upper index number 19933 indicates edition, the third one in this case) Čomski 1984: Čomski, Noam. Sintaksičke strukture. – Novi Sad: Dnevnik – Književna zadruga. 137 s. – Original: Chomsky, Noam. Syntactic Structures. – The Hague: Mouton, 197511. b) works published in periodicals – Examples: Belić 1938-39: Belić, Aleksandar. Prilozi
učenju o upotrebi vremena u srpskom jeziku. – In: Južnoslovenski filolog.
– Beograd. – Knj. XVII. – S. 179–188. (Contributions to the Study of the
Use of Tenses in Serbian. – In: Juznoslovenski filolog. – Belgrade. –
Vol. XVII. – P. 179–188.). Cvijić 1971: Cvijić, Olga. Odnos osnove i nastavka -ovati, – isati, -irati glagola stranog porekla. – In. Naš jezik. – Belgrade. – Book XVIII, vol. 3. – P. 131–161. 15. Graphic contents (graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.) are positioned by an indication in the text in the place the author finds appropriate. Considering that, you should bear in mind that the magazine format is 24×17 cm, and text format 20×12.5 cm. The publisher reserves the right to change, for effective layout, the position of a picture compared to its place in the text, taking care that this change is necessary, minimal and in accordance with the rules of good layout. 16. Raster-type illustrations (eg. drawings or photographs on paper) should be scanned exclusively in 300 dpi resolution, and in the following manner: black and white or line art option if the picture is without details and shades of colour (drawings, diagrams etc.) or… in grey hues (grey scale) if it is a photograph. If you have illustrations in the vector format (*.cdr, *.cmx, *.wmf, *.ai), you should send them in that form. 17. Pictures should be sent exclusively in *.TIF (*.tiff) format. Independently from the form they are sent in, the pictures have to be sent as separate files, outside Word, either on a disc or via e-mail. Only in exceptional cases can the editorial staff assume the responsibility of picture scanning. 18. The keys, namely explanations accompanying graphic illustrations are attached separately, at the end of the text, numerically ordered, where a picture number in the key corresponds to a reference in the text. Example: Picture 1. … Fig. 2 … etc. 19. We kindly request the authors to state their addresses, the institutions they work at, as well as a short curriculum vitae (this will be included in part of the magazine entitled Notes on Authors). The authors should specify in writing the details which may be published. 20. The works (discs etc.) for the next number of the “Stil” Magazine can be sent by April 30th, 2012 to the address: Prof. Milosav Ž. Čarkić, PhD or to e-mail: 21. We do not return texts and discs. |
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