Projekat Rastko - Slovenija


Мада су словеначка и српска култура на пољу стрипа имале одређене везе током читавог XX века, укључујући и обострану најширу читалачку рецепцију познатих аутора обе стране (попут Микија Мустера или Бранислава Керца), преломна тачка се десила почетком 1994. када су љубљански магазин "Стрипбургер" и београдска издавачка кућа "Биљег" успоставиле контакт, посетом словеначких колега Београду и понудом са београдске стране.

Тадашњи уредник "Биљега", Зоран Стефановић (данас председник "Пројекта Растко") направио је први избор србијанског ауторског стрипа и модерисао директне контакте српских аутора са једним од уредника "Стрипбургера", Борисом Баћићем.

Од броја 4/5 "Стрипбургера" (новембар 1994), заједничког учешћа у Signed by War подухвату и појаве београдског магазина Стрипер, две сцене се тесно повезују. Српски аутори редовно учествују у свим словеначким међународним издањима и изложбама, а словеначки стрип постаје "домаћи" за српску публику и српску културу уопште, што се види и преко бројних акција, и локалних и међународних.

После десет година изузетно успешне сарадње, може се закључити да су словеначка и српска стрипска сцена оствариле неку врсту симбиозе, која је помогла да обе културе заузму изузетно значајно место на мапи европског и светског алтернативног стрипа.


# 1

# 2-3

# 4-5

# 6

# 7




Barbar Macon

Biblijske in druge...



Eppur si muove


No 17


No 19

No 20

No 21


Kratke zgodbe II

Barbar Macon II

No 25

No 26

No 27

Burger Faces

Mini Burger

No 29

Stripburger 31
No 31
stripburger 32
No 32

Stripburger #34
No 34

Stripburger 36
No 36

Introductionary essay by Darko Macan
Stripburek - comics from the other Europe, 216 pgs., 2001
cover art by Jakob Klemencic


Republika Strip

Ob desetletnici revije Stripburger je Forum Ljubljana leta 2002 ustanovil zbirko Republika Strip, ki jo posveča samostojnim publikacijam slovenskih strip avtorjev

Marko Kociper - Podgana

Iz dosjejev:
Album Podgana Marka Kocipra je prva izdaja te zbirke.

Ciril Horjak

album Cirila Horjaka z naslovom Ride. Izid: 28. nov. 2003, 1 zgodba na 92 str.

zbirka stripov Tomaža Lavriča Slepo Sonce. Izide v 2004.
Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, SI, tel.: 01 2319662, fax. 01 4338074

Other Stripburger projects

Besides publishing the magazine, the Stripburger editorial stuff also works on accompanying fields, such as organization of comic strip exhibitions, organization and participation on round tables on comic strips. With these activities we're trying to contribute to the popularization of comic strip culture in the Slovene space.

  • K4 Club, Ljubljana (SLO), Oct. 1992.
  • SOU Gallery, Ljubljana (SLO), Dec. 1993.
  • Moljev mali teater, Maribor (SLO), Feb. 1994.
  • Strip Party, Channel Zero - Metelkova, Ljubljana (SLO), May 1994.
  • A&M festival, Pula (CRO), July - Aug. 1994.
  • Reporters' Club, Maribor (SLO), Oct. 1994.
  • Hodnikov mlin Gallery, Ilirska Bistrica (SLO), Nov. - Dec. 1994.
  • Biennale of Young Mediteranian artists, Lisboa (P), Nov. 1994
  • Kontra-Dibidon festival, Rex, Belgrade (SCG), April 1995.
  • Strip Core 1989-95 project, Mladinsko Theatre, Ljubljana, April 1995.
  • Forbidden Fruits Of Civil Society, Utrecht (NL), 1995.
  • Strip Core 1989-95 project, Laboratorio P, Trieste (I), 1995.
  • Signed by War, SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana (SLO), June 1995.
  • Strip & Sound festival, Skopje (Macedonia), Sept. 1995.
  • Die unendliche Geschichte, KUD-FP.SI, Nov. - Dec. 1995.
  • Perspective Zero, Pop Theatre, Celje (SLO), Feb. - March 1996.
  • Firstmay's 3rd Saint Marsh, Puntizela (CRO), May 1996.
  • Municipal House, Nova Gorica (SLO), May 1996.
  • Dol pri Kolpi (SLO), July 1996.
  • "XIII, Variations on a theme" (comics on the human rights), KUD FP.SI, Ljubljana (SLO), Jan. 1997.
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger as a part of the Bande desinee exhibition, Gallery Kapelica, Ljubljana (SLO), March 1997.
  • Lectures on comics, Faculty for Social Sciences, Ljubljana (SLO), April 1997.
  • Lectures on comics on Gymnasium Šentvid (SLO), April 1997.
  • A comic exhibition and lectures on comics, Krško (SLO), April 1997.
  • Taking part in exibition Beautiful People at Break 21 festival, KUD FP (SLO), Ljubljana, May 1997.
  • Exhibition at Fiat festival, Podgorica (SCG), 13. - 15. May 1997.
  • A comic exhibition at LUR, Sarajevo (BIH), 13. - 14. June 1997.
  • A comic exhibition and lectures on comics, KIC, Idrija (SLO), August 1997.
  • Taking part on Stripgidsdagen Small Press Festival, Turnhout (B), 13. - 14. Dec. 1997.
  • Exhibition of comics from Handyburger, club SOT24, Metelkova, Ljubljana, 9 April - 5 May 1998.
  • Paticipating on international bienale comic festival in Haarlem (NL), June 1998.
  • Participating on 'Xer - meeting of comics artists and publishers from former Yugoslavia, Belgrade, July 1998.
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger, Strip Core project, Pivka, (SLO), 30. July - 13. Aug. 1998.
  • Participating on the Forbidden Fruits festival, Utrecht (NL), 4.-11. Sept. 1998.
  • Permanent exhibition of Stripburger, hallway of Pešaki building, Metelkova mesto (SLO), Sept. 1998.
  • Strip Core project, MC, Velenje (SLO), 23. Oct. 1998.
  • Participation at the 14. International Exhibition of Drawings, Museum of Modern Art, Rijeka (CRO), 17. Dec. 1998 - April 1999.
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger #19 and #20, Gustav-Pekarna, Maribor (SLO), 18. Dec. 1998.
  • Strip party (exhibition + video program), K4, Ljubljana (SLO), 21. Dec. 1998.
  • Exhibition of Stripburger's comics and Julie Doucet's comics, Galery of Contemporary Arts, Pančevo (SCG), 5-9 February 1999.
  • Exhibition of comics "Slovene Comics of the 90's", KIBeLA, Maribor (SLO), 20. Feb. - 7. April 1999.
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger #19 and #20, MC Zakon, Vrhnika (SLO), 5. March - 11. March 1999.
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger #19 and #20, the KUK club, Sarajevo (BIH), 14. - 15. May 1999.
  • The AAAAAAAAAAAA project: 
    - exhibition of works by Swedish comic artists geathered around the Galago label, KUD FP, Ljubljana (SLO), 18. - 31. May 1999.
    - exhibition of works by Serbian comic artists geathered around the Striper magazine, SOT24, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana (SLO), 22. May - 22. June 1999.
    - screening of films by Max Andersson, Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana (SLO), 1999.
    - round table on paralleles of Swedish, Slovene, Croatian and Serbian comic scenes, KUD FP (SLO), 25 May 1999.
    - screening of video films and vide clips by Slovene comic artists, the Channel Zero club, Ljubljana (SLO), 27 May  1999.
  • Exhibition of Swedish comics (artists from Galago publishing house), FUKS festival, Murska Sobota (SLO), 13. July - 17. July 1999.
  • Exhibition of Slovene comics, Helsinki Comics Festival (FIN), 21. - 22. August 1999.
  • Lecture on Slovene comics, Helsinki Comics Festival (FIN), 22. August 1999.
  • Exhibition of Slovene comics, Lava (Kulturhuset), Stockholm (S), 19. - 28. Aug. 1999.
  • Exhibition of Slovene comics, International Athene Comics Festival (G), 9 - 15. Sept. 1999.
  • Release of Stripburger#24, Dec. 1999
  • Exhibition of comics of Slovene artists publishing in Stripburger, Е tud. menza, Ljubljana (SLO), 1. Dec. 1999
  • Presentation of Stripburger  at the international comics festival Angouleme (F), 26-29. Jan. 2000
  • Exhibition of comics by Gunnar Lundkvist (S), the Faronika gallery (City Library Oton Župančič), Ljubljana (SLO), 5. - 25. Feb. 2000 
  • Exhibition of comics of Slovene artists publishing in Stripburger and a lecture on comics, MIKK, Murska Sobota (SLO), 24. Feb. - 23. March 2000
  • Presentation of Stripburger, the Strip Core 8999 project, MKC Koper (SLO), 26. Feb. - 9. March 2000
  • Exhibition of Slovene comics, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18. April 2000 -
  • Exhibition of Swedish comics, MC Velenje, Velenje, Slovenia, 21. April - May 2000
  • Exhibition of comics of Slovene artists and presentation of Stripburger, Expocartoon, Rome, Italy, 30. March - 2. April 2000
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger, the 7. Juriš festival, Pula, Croatia, 28. - 30. April 2000
  • Release and promotion of Stripburger#26, K4 club, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4. May 2000
  • Exhibition of Stripburger, Happening Underground, Milano, Italy, 5-7 May 2000
  • Cooperation on the comics part of the Break 21 International Festival, Ljubljana, 11. May - 17. May 2000
  • Participation at the 9th International Comics-Salon Erlangen, 22.-25. June 2000
  • The Serbian comics today exhibition SOT24, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana, SI, 28. June - 13. July 2000
  • Lecture, exhibition of comics from Stripburgerja #26, screenings, MC Rov, Zelezniki, 30. June - 30. July 2000
  • Hopital Brut: opening of the Le Dernier Cri exhibition + screening of their animated films: Le Dernier Cri, Hopital brut, at the Trnfest festival, KUD France  Prešeren, Ljubljana, SI, 29. Aug. - 11. Sept. 2000.
  • Silkscreen workshop leaded by Paquito Bolino, HiЕЎa kulture, Pivka, SI, 31. Aug. - 3. Sept. 2000.
  • Le Dernier Cri: Hopital Brut, music performance by Le Dernier Cri at the projections of the Hopital Brut animated film, Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana, SI, 5. sept. 2000
  • Release of the Burger Faces publication, SI, 17. Oct. 2000.
  • Rrelease of the Stripburger #27, SI, 17. Oct. 2000
  • Exhibiton of the comics from the Burger Faces and Stripburger #27, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, SI, 17. Oct. - 20. Nov. 2000.
  • Presentation of Stripburger and exhibition of the comics from the Stripburger #25, XV Film  Video  Monitor, Gorizia, IT, 25. - 28.Oct. 2000.
  • Exhibition "The Toy Box on tour - Double Power Pack" Ataka &  Gunnar  Lundkvist, the Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, SI, 2. - 11. Nov. 2000.
  • Exhibition "Comics reading room", Salon mladih, Zagreb (CRO) 8. - 29. Jan 2001
  • Exhibition of the Stripburger publications, Valovi ali Strip Core v Beogradu, klub Andergraund, Belgrade, SCG, 18. -  20. Feb. 2001
  • Exhibition of the Stripburger publications, Strip Core, Fantasy Film festival, Nova Cinema, B, 9. - 24. March 2001
  • Presentation of Stripburger #29, screening of animated movies adn DJ program by Terrah, 17th May 2001
  • Strip Core: Living Room, The Eye And It's Truth, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26. April - 27th May 2001
  • Exhibition of comics from Stripburger #29, Breziski dnevi, June 2001
  • Presentation of Stripburger, Sierre, Festival international de la bande dessinee, CH, 14 - 17. June 2001
  • Comics Workshop, the Karbidovka Festival, Zagorje, Slovenija, 7 - 9. Aug. 2001
  • Exhibition of Stripburger and works by Slovenian comics artists, Jeleni Gallery, Center for Contemporary Arts - Prague, Czech Republic, 24.-25. Avg. 2001
  • Stripburek - comics from the other Europe (guests of the project Shpend Bengu (Albania), Tomaš Prokupek (Czech Republik), Aleksandar Zograf (Serbia):
    - exhibition, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27. Nov. - 11 Dec. 2001
    - workshop, the SOT24 1/2 club, Metelkova Mesto, Slovenia, 28 - 29 Nov. 2001 
    - Strip party, Menza pri Koritu, Metelkova Mesto, Slovenia, 28. Nov. 2001 
    - round table on Parallels in the East-European comics, City library Otona Župančiča, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29. Nov. 2001
  • Release of Stripburger #31, Dec. 2001 
  • Participation at the Angouleme 2002 festival, Angouleme (F), 25. - 28. Jan. 2002 
  • Metelkova Mesto, Bienalle Sao Paulo, Brasil, Feb. - March 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, workshop, lecture), Karton Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 6. Feb. - 2. March 2002
  • Release of Stripburger #32, March 2002
  • Presentation of Stripburger at the Marko Kociper's openning, KUD France Preseren, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26. March 2002
  • Stripburger's reading room, the Strip Core project, Likovni Salon, Celje, Slovenia, 28. March - 30. April 2002
  • Strast - razstava švedskega stripa, galerija Faronika (Mestna knjižnica) in enota Kolodvor, 6. - 26. May 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, workshop, lecture), Confort Moderne cultural center, Potiers, France, 23. May - 4. June 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, workshop, lecture), Emmetrop, Bourges, France, 8. - 16. June 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, workshop, lecture), Mains d' Ouvres, St. Ouven (Paris), France, 10. - 30. June 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, workshop, lecture), Art Workshop Lazareti (Dubrovnik), Croatia, 6. - 15. Aug. 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, workshop, lecture), Festa de l'Unita (Ravenna), Italy, 30. Aug. - 16. Sept. 2002
  • Stripburek - Comics from the Other Europe project (exhibition, lecture), Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt, Germany, 7. - 14. Oct. 2002
  • Release of Stripburger 34, Dec. 2002
  • 10 let Stripburgerja/10 years of Stirpburger:
    - Max Andersson: Donating time in M.A. & Lars Sjunnesson: Bosnian Flat Dog, the Alkatraz gallery - exhibitions, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana, SI, 3. - 17. Dec. 2002
    - Jam session, the SOT24 1/2 club, Metelkova mesto, SI, 6. Dec. 2002
    - Conversation with the artists, the City library Oton Župančič, Ljubljana, SI, 6. Dec. 2002
    - Joe Sacco: Safe Area Goražde - The War in Eastern Bosnia (1992-1995) - exhibition, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, 10. Dec. 2002 - 4. Jan. 2003
    - Stripburgerparty:, the Gromka club, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana, 11. Dec. 2002
    - Comics reading room, Stripburger / Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, , 14. in 15. Dec. 2002
  • Presentation of Stripburger with video program, Likovni salon, Kocevje, SI, 17. Jan. 2003
  • Participation at an international festival in Angouleme, France, 23. - 26. Jan. 2003
  • Stripburek - comics from the other Europe, exhibition, Small Press Expo, Stockholm 4. - 6. April 2003
    Guest artists: Mateusz Skutnik, Koco, Miroslav Lazendić
  • Risani trakovi / Bandes dessinees, Mesec sodobnega francoskega stripa in animiranega filma:
    - Remi: La Paranorama - exhibition, Galery Kapelica, Ljubljana, 22. – 29. April 2003
    - comics workshop (by Yvan Alagbe), City Museum Ljubljana – permanent collection, Ljubljana, 17. – 18. April 2003
    - animation workshop (by Remi), ity Museum Ljubljana – permanent collection, Ljubljana,  24. – 25. April 2003
  • Stripburek - comics from the other Europe, exhibition, Salao Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 15. May - 22 June
    Guest artists: Aleksandar Opačić, Aleksandar Zograf
  • Participation at Break 21 festival. Silkscrean workshop with Droz from Switzerland, June 2003
  • Warburger - special anti-war issue, July 2003
  • Exhibition of original artwork from Eastern European artists participating in Warburger, Trnfest 2003 festival, KUD France Preseren, Ljubljana. 29. July - 11. Aug. 2003
  • Exhibition of original artwork from Eastern European and German artists participating in Warburger at Berliner Comics Festival. Guest artists are Joonas Sildre, Miroslav Nemeth in Primož Krasna. Berlin, DE, 28. Aug. - 21. Sept. 2003
  • Presentation of Warburger with a lecture at Tonto comic festival (program of European Cultural Capital), Graz, AU, 2. August. 2003
  • Stripburek - comics from the other Europe, exhibition, Raptus festival, Bergen, Norway, 12 - 14 Sept. 2003
  • Chapter 03, Stavanger, Sept. 2003
  • Tone, pazi, metek! project, exhibition of winning comics from Warburger, Menza pri koritu, Metelkova mesto, 11. Sept. 2003
  • Warburger  - exhibition of winning comics from Warburger, MCity Library Kolodvor, Ljubljana, 6. Oct. 2003