Articles 11 Eвгения A. Гончарова (Санкт-Петербург) summary The article focuses on written and oral (medial) text forms as an important component of the formulation modus, or the stylistic information of the text.The article shows that the medial aspect of the text is revealed differently in various fields of human cognition and communicative activity, reacting to typical communicative situations. At the same time, the medial aspect of the text creates unequal conditions for the actualization of subjective intentions of the author and receiver of the text. 21 Александр Гадомский (Симферополь) summary For the early 1990s, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian and other scholars proposed to divide the religious style as a self-sufficient style, what caused numerous discussions. 37 Switlana Iwanenko (Kiew) summary Last ten years many earnest publications appeared about text stylistics (G. Solganik, M. Brandes, B. Sandig), but didn’t exist the inter lingual text stylistics. This field of scientific research is open for its pioneers. As starting-points must be considered the choice or the substantiation of the typical text model, which elements will be analysed as a part of text style research. When as such text elements the composition forms, tonalities and architectonic forms were considered, they were compared with the such forms in the texts of the same functional style and genre and of the same age. Siatkowska proposes to analyse the vertical and horizontal text structure of the same time in various languages and also its phonology, morphology, word-formation, vocabulary and phraseology. It is aft er Sandig the stylistic analyse of elementary level. In the first place we are interested in phonological musicality / un musicality or phonological text symbolism, its energy, which can not be investigated with special apparatus of the quantum level but it is possible to research the text rhythm, its euphony. We can establish that the alliteration as the element of euphony is presented in the texts in German more frequently as in the texts in Ukraine however alternation and epenthesis are not characteristically for German. Level stress is in the German texts prevails over the texts in Ukraine. Non verbal communication means, whose accompany the speech, were interpreted on the whole correctly by speakers of both languages. The optical perception of the texts in both languages is based on their perception as area of marks (Roman type and Cyrillic type – as a basic type antique, Gothic type only in the texts of Gothic youth subculture in both languages, seldom in German press), whose are directed from left to right and from top to bottom. Concerning the pragmatic aspect of the text we can say, that rhema in the texts of offi cial and press style is in German text at the end of sentence and in Ukraine at the beginning. The speech acts of the communicators depend mostly on their mentality. In order to compare in full measure the communicative strategies and tactics of communicators we need well-grounded sociolinguistic investigations of representative mentality some couple of languages. 47 Андрей А. Богатырёв, Oльга П. Богатырёва (Tверь) summary The article contains an outline of different teaching styles in English as a Foreign Language acquisition practices within view of so called ‘text-biased’ approach. The notion of linguodidactic text is being reviewed and criticized. The styles of teaching and learning EFL are treated as styles of training text production. Holistic assessment of English linguo-didactic text as a dynamic teaching/learning entity in action supposes a shift from stimulus sub-text of a teacher toward a scheme-based (strategic) text construction by students. Stylistic diversity in English as a Foreign Language linguo-didactic text formation is based on preferences in choosing between (a) tesserae, (b) completing and (c) trailer-car text production manners. The first of the list (a) is based on strict one-to-one correspondence principle concerning student’s part of interactive linguo-didactic text production, the second (b) is based on principle of situational interpretative reconstruction of meaning of English text or vice versa – situation-based meaning construction within frame of initiatory English text production, the third (c) supposes a formally free-hand language behavior (speech activity), concerning topics, found in stimulus linguo-didactic sub-text (regarded as a part of a larger whole of linguo-didactic text entity, including those subtexts of the didactic task and student’s response). A dividing line is being drawn between the concept of text as perfect communicative whole and so-called ‘textoid’ – lexicalgrammatical construction, lacking definite (intelligible) performative meaning. The first seems to be much more close to student-biased communicative language teaching policy. So we meet here a significant Teaching Foreign Language style divergence. 61 Dorota Szczęśniak (Kraków) summary The following presents the stylistic characteristics of the short prose form, the aphorism. The article briefly describes the historical development of this genre (Hippocrates, La Rochefoucauld, German and Austrian aphorists, Oscar Wilde, Stanislaw Jerzy Lec), and points to several tendencies of the contemporary aphorism (fragmentarism, language experiments). Brevity, conciseness, originality, ambiguity, wisdom as well as universality are mentioned as constructive elements of the aphorism genre. The aphoristic style is characterized by irony and a sense of humor, as well as the presence of several rhetorical devices, such as: paradoxes, antitheses, worday, ellipsis – which help aphorisms have a compact language form. 69 Ирина В. Бугаева (Москва) summary The clause is devoted to the analysis of a modern missionary parable with own purpose, the concrete addressee, the certain communicative situations, the characteristic language
means and new versions. In the missionary activity modern clerics use not only bible
parables, but create new one, following ancient tradition and considering features of
outlook and mentality of the modern person. 81 Oльга A. Прохватилова (Волгоград) summary The article is devoted to an arrangement of an imperative paradigm in the text of sermon and prayer and comparison of their prosodic patterns. 95 Tетяна Вільчинська (Київ) summary This article goes on the research of a sacral concept God on the material of the poetic works of Ivan Velychkovs’kyi. Its analysis in the linguistic-conceptual world picture of a baroque writer gives a chance to outline the unique linguistic and cultural ethnoconcept, presented by the developed microsystem of nominations, with characteristic distribution and word-formation potential. Our observations at the same time certify semanticcognitive diversity of the concept image God, its pragmatic meaningfulness, relation with a cultural context and other. 105 Валерия E. Чернявская (Санкт-Петербург) summary The article touches upon the problem of intentionally hybrid text genres – genre linkage, genre blending as overlaps between different textbuilding models. It aims at developing and exemplifying a dynamic approach to typological studies. 121 Eлена В. Белоглазова (Санкт-Петербург) summary Interdiscoursivity and polydiscoursivity have a common mechanism of dialogue on the discourse level as their basis. The former refers to the process of discourses interaction, focusing on the dynamic aspect of the phenomenon. While the latter accentuates the structural aspect of interaction of discourses taken statically, as reflected in a corpus of texts sharing common sphere of use and ideology. 131 Наталья В. Соловьева (Пермь) summary The article is devoted to the description of two types of discussions-collections. A genre in the form of a collection is an aggregate of the texts which are joined by semantic unity and participate in the communication in the same way. Сollection 1 is a scientific discussion on the stylistics issues where tolerant speech interaction of communicants based on the observance of speech rules is realized. The partners of this discussion take part in a dialogue, using cooperative strategies and tactics. Сollection 2 (discussion on philosophy issues) is a controversy so far as communicants have the aim of the contradiction of opponent’s conception and affirmation of their own ones, using incorrect methods that correlate with intolerant speech interaction. 139 Tетяна В. Радзієвська (Київ) summary The paper deals with discoursive forms of real diary records, its author was a “simple man” – M. T. Boboshko, a salesman in a small Ukrainian town Kobieliaki (Poltava region). The
diary describes events of the period of 1916–1921: the World War I, the revolution and the civil war. 151 Ксенија Кончаревић (Београд) summary This paper deals with the necessity of founding the confrontational linguoculturology of Russian and Serbian language. A number of concepts concerning the issue of the confrontational researches in the field of the linguoculturology is presented here, and then follows the basis of the methodology of the confrontational analysis of Russian and Serbian languages within the model of the linguoculturological field. The basic units of analysis – linguoculturemes of the hierarchically organized classes and categories are outlined and systematized, and the methodology of their systematic and structural and functional research is described with an aim of noticing the sameness, similarities and differences between Russian and Serbian languages. The theoretical concepts are based on linguoculturemes which structure the field of “Russian and Serbian Orthodox tradition”. 163 Светлана Ю. Воробьева (Волгоград) summary In the article the structural model of palimpsest as a possible invariant of a
postmodernistic text is observed. The combination of several cultural codes is a categorical indication of this text type. 173 Anna Ginter (Łódź) summary In the present article, metonymy has been discussed in terms of cognitive linguistic theory, as a reflection of metonymic processes in conceptual system. According to Radden
and Kovecses (1999: 21), metonymy can be described as a “cognitive process in which
one conceptual entity, the vehicle, provides mental access to another conceptual entity,
the target, within the same domain or ICM [Idealized Cognitive Model]”. Metonymic
expressions make it possible to combine communicative precision with accenting those
aspects that are most important in a particular moment or event. 183 Tатьяна П. Карпилович (Минск) summary This paper considers two levels of the structural organization of a scientific article as a genre – its composition and superstructure. Composition is defined as a form of structuralsemantic division of a text. Superstructure (T. van Dijk) is understood as a discourse scheme which comprises semantic components. We complement the latter definition by the notion of discourse markers – words and word combinations used in certain sentence types to signal this or that semantic component in discourse. 197 Ирина A. Щирова (Санкт-Петербург) summary Nowadays the text study is stimulated by the cognitive paradigm of modern humanities and by the spiritual creativity of man. To study the nature of the text and its categories, to describe the main components of the communicative dyad “author – reader” as well as to
solve any other problems of literary communication, it is necessary to make man himself
the conceptual focus of scientific research. 213 Eлена Г. Задворная (Минск) summary The article focuses on pragmalinguistic features of two kinds of scientific discussion: “ritualized” (e.g., discussions held while defending dissertations) and “informal” (e.g., discussions taking place at conferences, symposia, workshops, etc.). These discussion types differ in such parameters as: turn-taking, ways of expressing agreement and disagreement with the opponent, the nature of comments on the initiating question or remark, types of evasion tactics. 227 Наталья В. Данилевская (Пермь) summary The article deals with intellectual assessment and its role in scientific discourse. The content of intellectual assessment is regarded – its cognitive and emotive aspects. The author undertakes an attempt of complex analysis of scientific discourse in terms of the textforming function of intellectual assessment. 237 Mирчета Вемић (Београд) summary The fundamental composition problem in cartography, as in representative arts (literature, painting, theatre, film, etc) whose works consist of two aspects, that is form and content (picture and model), is the choice of reference points. The first step in the solution of this problem is the choice of the dominant reference point which is, in cartography, equal to choosing mathematical cartographic projection. This fits into the system of central perspective as objectively visible position. That is actually about the fixed visible position, the central projection point of cartographic projection, which being the point of infiniteness is usually located in the centre of the earth. 251 Григорій Aркушин (Луцьк) summary Advancements in the principles of cartography have allowed for certain levels of standard to be determined within this discipline, namely – fundamental, coextending, and supplemental. Th e majority of present-day Ukrainian lexical atlases utilize only one method of comparison. However, it is becoming increasingly more common to create maps that also include coextending as well as supplemental cartographical methods as a means of providing greater informational value. It is with this emerging trend in mind that H. Arkushyn has made a detailed analysis of the maps presented in the publication “Atlas of Western-Polissian Faunal Nomenclature.” 257 Bohumila Junková (České Budějovice) summary The paper explores means of sentence condensation in Czech written journalism, focussing on those which are frequent, such as infinitive and participial structures, apposition (including a variety of expanded attributive structures), past participles, and deverbal adjectives. In written journalism, these forms can be employed as means of both language automation and activation. 265 Юрий A. Сорокин (Москва) summary The introduction into Colority Stylistics of Poetic Text opens with criticism of its basic notion – such as photo-colority-(ana)gram. Its phenomenological characteristics and its
ontological status as well are treated and discussed in detail in the article. 277 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno) summary In the course of its development literature itself underwent great modifications. The changes of its meaning infl ucenced both the intrinsic and the extrinsic structure of literature, its morphology, genre structure and its affiliation to literary currents. Under the impact of these modifications the history of literature moved between the two dominant poles: the historical poetics which gave birth to the conception of literary history as the history of literary forms, genres and currents on the one hand, and the personalistic history based on the biographical and psychological methods. The search for balance between the two principles of literary history was demonstrated on several volumes of literary histories and lexicographical works. Nowadays it is nearly impossible to conceive a serious history of a national literature without regard to cultural and political studies or to a wider social structures on the comparative level. The author presents the three examples of the literary historical studies concerning modern Russian literature, a complex history of Czech literature seen from France by a slavist of Czech origin, and a dictionary of Russian literature from the 11th to the 20th centuries. All the three examples confirm the tendency towards the convergency of the personalistic, poetological and culturalsociological points of view. The new integration of the “pure” technology of literature in a wider social context is, of course, not defi nite. Its relatively final shape will undoubtedly be the result of further searching for new metamorphoses and balances. 289 Milosav Ž. Čarkić (Belgrade) summary As accent is considered a key element in composing rhymed pairs, not only in Serbian, but in other literary theories, as well as various studies dedicated to rhyme in general or rhyme as an element of versifi cation, in this paper we have tried to disprove that thesis, taking into account only the poetry of Serbian modernists who used rhyme in its canonized form, abiding by the strictest phonological rules in its structuring and use. 305 Горан Максимовић (Ниш) summary In this essay there was researched hidden distinctive trait comedian composition Bakonja fra-Brne by Matavulj. The point were at anecdote version about situations when national doctor Pjevalica treated fra-Brne, then diversity episodes from everyday’s life in monastery and nationals life in pure village, functional located in three parts, which is very close to comedy. On the occasion of tracking for hidden comediographical composition Bakonja fra-Brne, the point were at naturaly Matavulj’s laugh, at forming comical types of heroes, languages and situations comics. 323 Alena Jaklová (České Budějovice) summary The study describes the Czech-American periodicals of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, tracing down the changes brought about in the press of the Czech immigrants through their gradual integration into American society. Such changes could be identified in the titles of the periodicals, in their whole structure and subjects as well as in the contents and semantics of the journalistic texts, especially in their vocabulary. 331 Senka Ivošević (Ankara) summary This study investigates the effects of prosody in comprehension of syntactically ambigous structures in Turkish. A two-stage experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of prosodic boundaries on the listeners’ interpretation of syntactically ambigous sentences. Data from the experiment show that in Turkish, like in previously studied Korean, Japanese and English, prosodic boundaries display strong eff ects on resolving syntactic ambiguity and comprehension of syntactically ambigous structures. 341 Anna Bednarczyk (Łódź) summary The paper concerns the possibilities of translating into Polish the poem cycle Беседы с портретами родителей (Conversations With the Portraits of My Parents) by the Russian (Siberian) writer Victor Serbsky. The cycle is politically charged and was dedicated to the memory of the poet’s parents who had been murdered by the Stalinist regime. Having analysed particular words together with their hidden meanings (dependent on cultural contexts), the author of the paper comes to the conclusion that in the case of Serbsky’s poems the main translative difficulty consists in mentality differences between the primary and the secondary recipient of the text. 355 Elżbieta Sierosławska (Kraków) summary The following paper aims at depicting some expression possibilities of language and music on the example of Requiem by W. A. Mozart. Each medium, both the language and the music, has its own means of expression, which might supplement each other in a music piece. The mood of a music composition might be expressed by e.g. rhythm. In W. A. Mozart’s Requiem one can see and hear it very clearly. It is at the very beginning of the piece that we encounter rhythmic figures, which symbolize a cry, a sob. They are the quavers underlined by a music stress which were separated from each other by quaver intervals. In the whole work, at various places and in various voices, one can hear the motif of a sigh (the descending minor second). It is especially audible in the Dies irae. In the same part of Requiem the author expresses the mood of threat by means of various musical emphasis put on particular words while the exceptional sadness of the Lacrimosa part is stressed not only by language phrases but by chromatics as well, touching with melodics and a simple rhythm. That is why, due to a suitable connection of language and musical means of expression, the composer may greatly influence the senses of a musical work of art recipient. 363 Лидија Тантуровска (Скопје) summary The aim of this paper is to present basic and figurative meanings of the lexeme zakon (law) in the five functional styles (administrative, science, journalist, colloquial speech) in Macedonian standard language. 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