Articles 11 Мария П. Котюрова (Пермь) summary Some new phenomena in scientific style of speech connected with words functioning (of the “problem”, “process”, “fact”, etc. – type, i.e. words of wide epistemic semantics) are considered in this article. 21 Лариса С. Тихомирова (Пермь) summary The problem of scientific textualism is solved through intertext and the hypertext. Intertext designates not only interaction of texts, but also expansion of borders of the text, its transformation in nonlinear, opened, heterogeneous and plural. The mechanism intertext can be considered in view of transformation of forms of the text, transformation of the maintenance (presence / absence of new substantial components), and also in view of function of the text (its specific transformations). 31 Любовь В. Левшун (Минск) summary Regulations of Christian theory of Art, iconology, anthropology, soteriology and adjacent theological doctrines should be taken into consideration by modern investigators of medieval Slavia Orthodoxa scribes heritage as important factors, determining productive activity as well as text reception and proper critical style assessment of texts under study. Such a theologically tentative approach must needs be based on assumption of special Poetics of Truth, demanding, for example, elevated style for lofty matters in strict correspondence between chosen topic and certain stylistic means of expression. The scale of objects for depiction is then established from the point of view of their value for salvation. So the loft iest of them is that one which demands the elevated register of expression, because it provides guidance to Supreme Truth, leading its addressee to apotheosis/salvation. When a canonic Christian word achieves this end, it is most proper to name it as Logos Transfigurans.
Pragmatic factors, concerning the character of addressee, guide the choice of proper stylistic means for optimal message processing [cf. Hebrews 5: 12–13] and according to the eff ectual working in the measure of every part [cf. Ephesians 4: 16]. So in this connection Style within frame of Christian artistic canon may be viewed as marking salvatory value of a certain artistic image for certain classes of its recipients. 43 Мария А. Ширинкина (Пермь) summary Interpretation of law is a specific form of juridical discourse. Communication participants in the process of law interpretation are the lawyer (the expert who is in possession of juridical knowledge) and the nonexpert (who is transmitted the meaning of legislative intents in available form). In consequence of law interpretation originates a group of texts, which is aimed at interpretation and is marked by the specific organization of linguistic units of different levels. 53 Ирина B. Бугаева (Москва) summary This article is devoted the composition description as one of active and productive ways of word-formation in language of modern orthodox religious. The attention addresses for three basic ways of activization of compound words: returning in everyday speech before become outdated church-slavonic words, formation of new compound words on old models and occurrence of the new compound words formed on models which did not meet earlier in the orthodox environment.
As research material texts of biographies and letters have served spiritual children of several recently passed away and very esteemed elders: the elder Nikolay (Guryanov), the hegumen-abbot Gabriel (Vladimiroff), abbot Boris (…), the archimandrit Rafael (Karelin), the elder Paisij Athonite, the elder Joseph Vatopedi, and also literary works of modern orthodox writers and an author’s card file of models of speech of religious. 65 Ивана Кнежевић (Београд) summary This article deals with one of the newer issues in the domain of the functional stylistics, i.e. with the new member in this group – religious style, church style or sacral functionalstylistic complex, as diff erent linguists tend to name it. It has been recently suggested to introduce and analyze it, since religion has also been one of the forms of social consciousness. 77 Татьяна В. Охрименко (Київ) summary Logical categories of identity and similarity have long been the base of metaphorical group tropes first and foremost of comparative transferences such as metaphor and figurative simile. The categories of identity and similarity are equal in view of reflecting the reality partition law. The law is revealed in the presence of the originally given tertium comparationis, i.e. the connecting characteristic, the base of transference. 89 Світлана Іваненко (Київ) summary The article deals with problems of tonal construction of the text and presents the various tips of language functioning based on the concept of the text generation predetermined by the activity factor, rhythm theory and the concept of psychic stereotypes of different kinds of activity, which constitute a form system and have an influence on tonality as a text unit and as a text category. 99 Юрий А. Сорокин (Москва) summary Modern culturology, aimed at monitoring cultural markers, needs a counterpart best defi ned as semio-culture-o-sophy. Whilst linguistic culturology is anthropocentric, semio-culturosophy by contrast with its complementary counterpart tends to be anthropo-philic. Semio-culturosophy is keen primarily on intentional substances/subjects, belonging to basic fund of human consciousness and reflectivity, rather than on investigating cultural objects (e.g. segments of intra-culturally marked speech).The latter named memes (and on the reverse – mnemes as well) are viewed as fractal components of culture. Culture is regarded as a symbiotic infrastructure (it comprises both natura naturans and natura naturata), existing both as substantial complex of cultural objects and as a semiotic complex. Subtle multifold distinction between ecto-genetic and anti-haptic cultures is reviewed in the light of the concept of mneme/meme ethnic formations. Dialoguing correlation between culture viewed as adaptive mechanism and geo-, bio- and homo-scapes is presumed. 107 Александр К. Гадомский (Симферополь) summary In contemporary Russian and Polish theolinguistics there are diverse approaches to describe the religious language. One of these approaches is the genre method, which is closely connected with the problem of describing the religious style. The scholars representing this approach presume that the religious language in this method may be considered as a system of genres, which have their specific features. 119 Зоран Ранковић (Београд) summary The biographers of St. Sava, Domentianus and Theodosius, describing his life age use terms and expressions whish point not only to Sava’s age but also to his spiritual maturing. In describing the bodily growth they follow the ancient concept of the maturing of a human being. In describing Sava’s spiritual maturing they use the expressions and terms that in an adequate way represent the rank that Sava has at the given moment. There is only a slight difference in the terminology that Domentianus and Theodosius use. 127 Евгений В. Плисов (Нижний Новгород) summary The paper treats the Hymn of the Mother of God (Magnificat) as an autonomous liturgical text, usage of which has over-confessional character. The reason for borrowing the text from the Holy Scriptures into the liturgical language is in the signifi cance of the text for the doctrinal statement (this is ensured by deep bows and bows from the waist, on holy days and Sundays, enjoined by the Church Rule, and by censing the church and the worshippers while singing the Hymn) and in the particular rhythm of the Hymn which gives the opportunity to sing it at the service without any special variation. The text belongs to the obligatory stylistic means, which form liturgical substyle of the religious style of modern German. 135 Ксенија Кончаревић (Београд) summary This paper deals with the complex and systematic description of the culture of communication of the monasticism in the Serbian speaking, socio-cultural community from the diachronic perspective following the situational model of description. The aim is to comprehend the specifi c characteristics of verbal and nonverbal communicative behaviour based on the material provided by the oldest Serbian monastery typicons from the end of the 11th and 12th centuries written by St. Sava (The Typicons of Karayas, Chilandar, Studenica and The Directory for Keeping the Book of Psalms). 147 Bohumila Junková (České Budějovice) summary Intercultural communication is a considerably broad concept; it is usually understood as a dialogue between the representatives of different cultures. At present, growing importance is attributed to intercultural communication in media, mainly due to the fact that is it able to affect large numbers of people. 155 Ирина A. Щирова (Санкт-Петербург) summary Living in a complex world we have to deal with complex problems one of them being the problem of discovering the author’s subjective evaluation of two worlds – the fictional world as the model of reality and the world of reality itself, the author’s attitude to the latter being more relevant for the interpreter. A possible way of interpreting this evaluation is to treat a system of characters in a fi ctional text as a system of mediums of the author’s mind. The task is far from being simple, however. First, the author’s evaluation is oft enconveyed by means of a too complicated system of fictional quasi-subjects: characters, narrators, narratees etc. Second, modern literature is often full of the author’s deep psychological insights. In such psychological prose the spiritual, emotional and mental lives of the characters rather than the plot and the action are the main concern. The author shows the workings of the mind explicitly or implicitly through the character’s actions, words, facial expressions, movements and other details associated with the character’s inner word, but in any case we can’t hear the author’s voice distinctly. As the author’s evaluation is implied, the process of decoding becomes more intricate. To say more, the infl uence of the subconscious both on the creative process and on “the quasi-subjects’ thoughts and actions” should not be ignored. Thus, to discover the author’s subjective evaluation represented in the characters opinions of reality is difficult. The most promising approach here is to build up a hierarchy of binary oppositions embracing the system of characters and implying various levels of abstraction (Cf. protagonist vs. antagonist and the protagonist’s fidelity vs. the antagonist’s treachery) to trace the evaluative connotations the members of the oppositions are charged with. Showing something as good or bad the author, in fact, exposes his subjective perception of the world. However, any rigid borders here are out of the question, because of the potential open-endedness of interpretation and the complexity of the problem discussed. 167 Андрей А. Богатырёв (Тверь) summary The article deals with a stylistic schema, bolstering emotional impact of a story of apostasy and spiritual destruction of man as anticipated and ushered by intense Anxiety. It contains some stylistic observations concerning Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’ opening sentence as well as an excerpt from Nikolai Gogol’s ‘Viy’ (both published in 1835). Focus on philologically observable contact manifold semantic reiteration of invariant emotionally charged concept/Noema of “trespass/apostasy” allows uncovering the contingent pathos of the unfolding narrative in advance. The symbolic nature of Anxiety Erlebnis (German for ‘sense’, that is inner experience of soul as grasped intentionally), permeating the storytelling is exposed. Taking into consideration the semantic aspect in contrastive analysis of stylistic technique of a subversive “threshold/transgression” depiction by the two Romantic writers allows assessing a shift in narrative pathos from ‘tragedy’ to ‘horror’ (limited to a text fraction, though). 177 Marina S. Kogan (Sankt-Peterburg) summary The article points out the practicability of studying Joseph Brodsky’s Commencement Addresses in Linguistic Curriculum of students majoring in Linguistics, namely in such courses as American History and Culture and Stylistics of the English Language. Addressing the graduates of American colleges the poet touches upon the issues he repeatedly dealt with in his poems, essays, and interviews, such as themes of survival and mortality, faith and the lack of it, the priority of mundane over the spiritual, community life as compared to individual life, withstanding the evil, the role of the language, etc. 189 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno) summary The author of the present article deals with some aspects of the contemporary state of comparative literary studies. He regards as the main problem an insuffi cient degree of the integration of traditional values of comparative studies and new approaches which appeared recently, especially a spatial aspect of comparative literary studies linked to area and cultural studies and innovative methodological approaches. In this context, he refers to several publications having either innovative, or rather traditional character: some of them demonstrate the possibility of enriching the tradition and, at the same time preserving the kernel of traditional cognitive values. 209 Людмила В. Царева (Санкт-Петербург) summary The article deals with the creative work of C. M. Barker, an English artist and poet (1895–1973), who wrote and illustrated 8 books of flower fairies, glorifying a number of blooming plants of England. Her books are hardly known in Russia since her poems have never been translated into Russian. 213 Радмило Маројевић (Београд) summary This article deals with the issue of the nature of the second (medial) beat in Serbian epic non-symmetric decassylable with the presupposition that it might have been monosyllabic. The examples from the Serbian folk epics (Asan-aginica, Erlangen manuscript and Vuk’s collections) have been taken into consideration in the fi rst part of the study with the conclusion that the monosyllabicity was not the characteristic of this poetry.The examples from the Serbian artistic poetry (from the epic Luča Mikrokozma) have been discussed in the second part with the concluding remark that the medial beat of the second semisyllable might have been monosyllabic being one of Njegosh’s innovations in versification. 225 Milosav Ž. Čarkić (Belgrade) summary Many researchers of rhyme have so far put forward the thesis that rhyme begins with the fi rst accented vowel and runs to the end of the rhyming words. It thus follows from their claim that the right-hand boundary of the rhyming words and the right-hand boundary of rhyme are in complete accord. Considering Serbian poetry, while this phenomenon can also apply to other national poetries, we have proved that the right boundary of the rhyming words and the right boundary of rhyme are often in some collision with each other. The discrepancies found between the two kinds of boundaries can be demonstrated in various ways: the discrepancy can occur in only one rhyming unit, e.g. obla – oblak, onim – goni; it can also occur in both the rhyming units, e.g. lijep – svijet, oblik – oblih. In most cases the incompatible phonemes are consonants: potop – krvotok, mlitav – ritam, and in a very small number of cases they can be vocalic phonemes: mesta – često, žive – sliva. Only rarely do these processes cover whole stanzas, e.g. okom – opi – svesna – desni – sklopiv – duboko, where rhyme applies to the first and sixth verse line: okom – duboko, the second and the fifth one: opi – sklopiv, the third and the fourth one: svesna – desni. Following these observations, the author hopes that the future rhyme researchers will be more cautious and meticulous in dealing with problems concerning the rhyming of poetic texts. 237 Ана Пејановић (Никшић) summary This article deals with the phenomena of the Serbian linguistic and cultural area. Lead-in about Gorski vijenac being the precedent text of Serbian culture brings in to consideration the instances of precedent outcome from the epic testified in modern journalism. 243 Горан Максимовић (Ниш) summary In this essay the points are on lifestyle, literature work, poetical ideas and importance of three forgotten poets of Serbian Romanticism: Vasa Živković (1819–1891), Jovan Ilić (1824–1901) and Stevan Vladislav Kaćanski (1829–1890). Particularly attention are on showing critical recepcion theirs works between contemporaries and theirs huge success and importance on poetical ways of Serbian Romanticism in the 19th century. 253 Agata Piasecka (Łódź) summary In the paper there have been analysed selected lexical units with the components ‘heart’ and ‘soul’, derived from both the general literary language and its dialect variation. The article depicts a variety of images connected with the units mentioned above. As it has been proved, the Russian words ‘heart’ and ‘soul’ are frequently used for describing human beings and take active part in defi ning interpersonal relations. Interestingly, even though they develop individual semantic potential, they share numerous common features. In the light of what has been said in the paper, it should be underlined that thanks to their semantic potential and flexibility the components in question participate in the process of creating cultural images in Russian language and life. 265 Ayşe Eziler Kiran (Ankara) summary In this study dialogism and polyphony, which constitute André Gide’s stylistic characteristics in his novel The Counterfeiters (Les Faux-Monayeurs) are examined. In The Counterfeiters, dialogism appears between the extradiegetic narrator and the characters; and the discourses of each source are often mixed up. As for the polyphony, it places the character and his discourse into the diff erent points of view and it makes each one of them a center of focus. The reader reads two novels that are composed by mise en abyme, and hears two voices of two narrators. Dialogism, polyphony are realized by diff erent ways of narration: allusion, echo, mention, usage and irony… 279 Алма Чаркић (Тузла) summary The subject of investigation of this paper are interjections in grammarians’ works from Ancient Greece and Rome until the present day. We can see from research conducted so far that particular interest in studying this linguistic phenomenon has emerged in the last thirty years when discourse became the epicentre of linguistic research and when language periphery became the focus of attention. Th us modern grammars treat interjections on the formal, semantic, and syntactic levels. As regards the formal criterion, interjections are mainly defi ned as sound clusters or sounds which express emotions, imitate natural sounds, but also serve for calling people or communicating with animals. According to that they have been classified in several ways. However, most grammarians find these classifications arbitrary, considering that one interjection can express different emotions or a single emotion can be expressed by different interjections. As regards the phonetic features of interjections, they tend to have unusual sound structure, sounds otherwise non-existent in language. In addition, according to the aforesaid grammars, interjections can easily replace other parts of speech, e.g. verbs, they assume the function of predicate, are not syntactically linked with other words in the sentence, and are therefore separated by a comma or an exclamation mark. Finally we can conclude that in defining interjections, they are most oft en observed on the semantic plane, even though there are many examples with all the three aspects – formal, semantic, and syntactic – intertwined. 291 Violetta Machnicka (Siedlce) summary The present paper analyses numerous lexemes related to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, authenticated in the book by Zofia Kossak From the Abyss. In the paper, the selected camp terminology has been divided into 6 categories: 303 Јелена Фемић-Касапис (Београд) summary In this work we attempt to represent the etymological origin and lexical formation of the three Greek terms, φύσις, ούσία and ύπόστασις. All the se three nouns originate from very old Indo-European forms. As to the formation, the word φύσις appears to be a verb noun of φύομαι which finds its parallel in skr. root bhū–, „flourish, become, be“. Therefore, it is by the concepts of growing (growth), maturing or ripening in flora, that the Greek verb and its noun develop their meanings afterwards. In Latin it is natura. 313 Mирчета Вемић (Београд) summary The stylization of geographic maps is related to the most general compositional part of their design, as in creating other visual or literary works. It is inseparable from the preceding semiotic compositional levels (the coding of the symbols and textualization by elements) and is related to them in terms of the dialectic law of the general, specific and individual. The stylization of cartographic works is an authorial procedure which progresses according to certain general principles, as follows: (1) the invariability and variability of symbols, (2) the centricity and eccentricity of representation, and (3) the summation and stratification in the organization of a cartographic image or model. 327 Vladimir V. Maliavin (Tamkang) summary The author contends that the roots of modern global crisis are not so much economical or political but epistemological. It is the crisis of the classical subject-object opposition which does not fit the realities of the digital world. The Eastern religions can provide a solution of this crisis. In particular Taoism with its spiritual practices (meditation, Taijiquan etc.) presents technique of immediate communication which is a distinctive sign of to-day’s post-historical world. The article is an attempt to rethink the nature of human experience and related concepts such as image, spirit, practice, cultural style etc. The author explores the new kind of identity based on what can be called perceptual awareness. Recent trends in phenomenology and even mass culture are used as illustrations of this new turn of Western thought. Book Reviews • download all reviews (1,62MB) 337 Андреј Стојановић (Београд) 348 Алма Чаркић (Тузла) 350 Ружица Бајић (Београд) 354 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno) 356 Мирјана Гочанин (Београд) 360 Наташа Вуловић (Београд) 365 Ружица Бајић (Београд) 367 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno) Current Issues • download current issues (294KB) 369 Бранислав Цветковић (Београд) Anniversaries • download anniversaries (1,13MB) 375 Е. А. Баженова (Пермь) 386 Наталия В. Данилевская (Пермь) 391 Mилосав Ж. Чаркић (Београд) 399 413 |
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