Style 2010


13 Мария П. Котюрова (Пермь)
Individual writing style: complex of consistency, dialogism and tonality in scientific speech
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In accordance with the mild interpretation of individual writing style of scientific meaning among all the text features only complex of such features (categories) as consistency in conjunction with the speech coherence, dialogism and non- categorical (tolerant) / categorical tonality of speech is taken into account. On this basis we can differentiate such individual writing styles of scientific meaning as 1) introverted egocentric, 2) introverted polycentric, 3) extroverted egocentric, 4) extroverted polycentric.

27 Радоје Симић (Београд)
On Stylistic Value

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The paper argues that stylistic value is the sign value of material or abstract facts which can perform the efficiency function, in isolation from other functions – both symbolic and non-symbolic – or in combinations with them. The stylistic status of these values is the most evident when they are present in the structure of the sign, but do not perform the distinctive, i.e. distinguishing function, enabling the “functional” differentiation of one sound structure from another one.
As a result, the stylistic value contributes to the isolation of facts from the surrounding context, or to their highlighting: to the efficiency of the entity or the set it belongs to. We can conclude there is a certain fundamental feature of sign structures which generates stylistic values, and connects them into an integral web of correlations, and which can be taken as a theoretical goal in the description, classifi cation and assessment of these values, i.e. clarity.

21 Aleksander Kiklewicz (Olsztyn)
The stratificational classificaction of speech acts

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The author discusses the problem of speech acts classifi cation on the basis of the pragmatic function. The relevant elements of context, on the example control of the announcement directly to target addressee or to third parties, are also taken into account. The classification of speech acts proposed by the author has a dichotomous as well as a hierarchic character. The author distinguishes and describes the following types of speech acts: inventional vs. conventional; communicative vs. uncommunicative; polite vs. customary; representative vs. performative; expositive vs. verdictive; causative vs. deliberative; descriptive vs. declarative; directive vs. commissive; initiative vs. reactive; extentional vs. intentional; appellative vs. creative; cooperative vs. magic.

63 Ирина В. Смущинская (Киев)
The theory of figures through the modern science of style

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The author discusses some actual points of the theory of figures and considers its place among different paradigms. The paper argues that there are a large number of problems like taxonomy of figures, their forms, nominations, semantic aspect, principles of classification and interpretation which remain unsolved. Special attention is given to the dichotomies: figure/trope, metaphor/metonymy, direct/figurative, rhetorical/stylistic which are regarded through national traditions of stylistic analysis.

75 Ирина B. Бугаева (Москва)
Stylistic features in the orthodox speech

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The religious judgement of the world is a specifi c sphere of researches. Many concepts, the phenomena and subjects of a religious context get special sense. Such sense, actual and real for certain society, can or is absent completely in usage, or to be transformed. The purpose of given article − the analysis polysemies, synonymies, antonymies, in speeches of modern orthodox believers and definition of stylistic level of lexicon which is not homogeneous.
Features of functioning of religious lexicon in a church society, in our opinion, consists that in the same text can use units of different stiles. It speaks the especial characteristic of dialogue on religious themes, combination Heavenly and terrestrial, Divine and human depending on conditions of communications and change of speech genres.
The semantic phenomena fixed in lexicon of this or that communicative group, promote enrichment of dictionary structure of a national language.
Analyzing semantics and the value of a lexeme depending on a context changes, we come to a conclusion that lexical value does not exist separately. Each of values a synonym, an antonym is realised in a concrete communicative situation and defined by it. Therefore semantics studying in frameworks discursive language descriptions sees perspective. Semantic changes in lexicon grow out not only linguistic, but also social-cultural of processes.

86 Mария А. Сивенкова (Минск)
The communicative style of contemporary politicians

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The article focuses on metacommunicative evaluativeness as an important feature of contemporary British, German and Russian political dialogue, which is made explicit by the presence of various negative evaluations of the addressee’s communicative behaviour. Three types of such evaluations are analysed: 1) metacommunicative evaluations that refer to the addressee’s communicative style, 2) evaluations that concern various linguistic aspects of the opponent’s utterances; 3) evaluations that highlight mistakes which occur in the opponent’s speech behaviour.
Such features of the opponent’s communicative style as pomposity, formality, affectation, straightforwardness, colloquiality are either explicitly criticized by the addresser, or perceived as a drawback by the speaker himself/herself, which leads to apologies and disclaimers.
The use of unparliamentary language as well as various kinds of lexical, grammatical and orthoepic mistakes (e.g. use of party names in disrespectful contexts, morphological errors, overcomplicated syntactical structure of utterances, wrong stress) are exposed by the Speaker in parliament and other politicians.
The absence of expected speech acts (e.g. an apology when it is due) and the presence of unexpected patterns of verbal behaviour (e.g. plagiarism, provocation, insults, mockery), as well as the inappropriateness of someone’s communicative behaviour (e.g. position- and situation-based role inappropriateness) are also criticised by politicians.

105 Лариса С. Тихомирова (Пермь)
The integrative approach to studying a reflection in scientific consciousness

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In clause the treatment of concept of a reflection in aspect of scientifically-cognitive activity of the scientist is presented. Special interest represents интегративный the approach to reflective mechanisms in the text which reflects all complexity of the лесико- semantic analysis of language units (on an example of medical texts). The reference to the scheme сonscious activity, has allowed to simulate cognitive activity of the addressee during development of text situations where сonscious activity is under construction on the basis of three concerning independent blocks: M-с (сonscious activity), M-to (ideacommunications), M (nonverbal dialogue).
As a result of carried out research of a reflection as mechanism of the organization of creative (critical) thinking of the scientist it has been established, that opportunities to create are cultivated in consciousness of the researcher, and are realized and develop directly in actual process of the creativity by independent realization of the reflective efforts applied by the person for reconsideration and transformation of concrete situations in the text.

117 Лариса М. Нюбина (Смоленск)
The Category ‘Style’ in the Text of the German Autobiography

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The subject of the analysis in the given article is the study of the style in the literary autobiography of Germany, its flourishing period is believed to date back to the 60–70s of the 20th century.
The style of the text in modern communicative linguistics depends on the style model, the prototype or cogniotype of the text which serves as a certain orientated model of the text and represents stylistically systematic formation with definite social communicative functions and stylistically relevant characteristics.
The autobiography prose has its poetic and pragmatic features. The pragmatism of the genre consists in the tendency to objective narration and the connection of recollections with concrete life references. The objectivity of narration is accompanied by a choice of events, their verbalization, the contextual combination of language signs and evaluation, connotation, the use of syntactic figures and stlystic devices, in other words, by everything that is poetic specific character of the genre. The style of the literary autobiography thereupon is determined by the main genre peculiarity of the given prose, namely by its ambivalence – its interposition between real facts and their subjective representation. The heterogeneous and fragmentary world view, which is the life programme of any individual, cooperates with the verbally semantic level of the text, which is the basis for the manifestation of the individuality and subjectivity of the author’s style.

129 Natalia A. Vasilyeva (Sankt-Peterburg)
Language–image–relations in economic discourse

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The article is dedicated to relations between language and image in the economic discourse. As a precondition for the study is postulated, that the concept of discourse is defi ned as a complex of verbal and non-verbal semantic signs, which serve as means for production, reproduction and storage of social knowledge. The discourse is a form of social action. On the one hand it arises in the social context but on the other hand it influences the social practice in many ways.
The central concern of the article is to describe and explain the strategies and aims for using of verbal and visual signs in multimodal texts of the economic discourse. Language and image can be treated as semantic signs of equal semantic value. They are able to transmit various meanings. Each kind of sign has its own semantic, syntactic and pragmatic peculiarities. These peculiarities as well as the communicative intention and illocution of the multimodal text determine the choice and relation of verbal and visual signs in it.
The work between language and image in the economic discourse is divided in different ways. The most common pattern is the division between the informative verbal part and identifying visual part. For example images as logos, stamps and trademarks perform this function. The visual sign in this case manifests no semantic but only pragmatic meaning. It legitimatizes the content of the verbal text and plays thereby a very important social function.
The image can duplicate the content of the verbal text. In such case determinant is the syntactic quality and connotative potential of visual signs. The point of their using is then facilitation by orientation in the textual set and expressing of emotive meanings, which can’t be explicated in the verbal text.
The image contributes also a lot to the whole epistemic value of the multimodal text by giving opportunity to present the complete and momentary review of objects or processes and to memorize the content of the text easier. Visual signs perform such function in the fi rst place in explicative texts but also in descriptive texts.
In most texts of the economic discourse images don’t change the meaning of the verbal part and don’t add any facts to the content of the text. Visual signs precise the information, get it up attractively and expressively, put it into the social context.
By intersection of the economic discourse with the discourse of mass media words provide as a rule the facts and the explanations, images implicate interpretations, ideologically colored angles, suggestions and connotations. Thus the visual signs add new meanings to the content of the multimodal text or sometimes even change the textual meaning.
So the economic discourse analysis has obligatory to include the treatment of verbal and visual signs. The functioning of images in multimodal texts aims at achieving the purpose of the communicative action more efficiently and economically.

143 Татьяна Б. Карпова (Пермь)
The state of discourse of runet as the Russian-speaking section of internet

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The report determines the basic categories (virtuality, accessability, multi-media, interactivity, hypertextuality) forming the specificity of electronic discourse, i.e. such properties as multi-lateralability, approaching of oral and written forms of speech, compressiveness, faticity, expressivity, creativity, etc which in total determine the state (quality) of modern discourse of Russian-speaking internet – runet.

153 Бојана Милосављевић (Београд)
Тhe role and importance of the interlocutor in gossip

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Although it is easily recognizable in communication, gossip or speaking badly about an absent person, can hardly be described as a single conversational structure or frame, and is therefore hard to study from a linguistic point of view. An additional difficulty lies in the fact that gossip oft en occurs as an implicit speech activity in communication – it is built into another activity, and its illocutionary strength can only be derived from a longer segment of speech, or on the basis of context. But, similar to other ethical and esthetic categories like humour, gossip is not found only in the contents of the message without its own specific form, but more as a form rooted in the language, discourse structure and specific style. If this was not the case, certain instances of communication could not have been connected to gossip.
Conversation analysis studies treat gossip as a speech genre of everyday communication, which has a specifi c structure. It is recognized by the presence of certain compulsory elements, as well as by a potential presence of some other elements. The compulsory elements of the structure of gossip are:
1) Focusing on an absent person,
2) Deviant behaviour of the said person in the broadest sense, and
3) Pejorative evaluation of such behaviour.
The potential elements of the structure of gossip are:
1) Deepening and broadening of the pejorative evaluation of the person in focus, and
fortifying such an opinion about that person, other events, details, and questions,
2) Conclusion, summing up, completing the conversation.
The important features of gossip include its extreme interactivity. Therefore, the objective of this study is to point out the role and importance of the interlocutors in gossip from the viewpoints of conversation analysis and pragmatics.
Our research shows that prototypical gossip exists, as well as other types of gossip that deviate from the prototype. In the prototypical gossip, regarded as highly successful gossiping, the participants in the communication fully cooperate. Th ey progressively develop the topic of conversation, the interlocutor explicitly expresses his interest in the topic of conversation, off ers his own examples to illustrate the speaker’s thoughts, attitudes, and fully agrees with him on all points and relives the speaker’s story, i.e. shows empathy. In the so-called less successful gossip the speaker is more passive, participating in the communication only to please the speaker, out of decency. And in the least successful gossip, so-called ‘one-sided gossip’ the interlocutor usually defends the person who is being gossiped about, so as to show that he does not agree with the speaker. However, such ‘one-sided gossip’ does not entail a linguistic conflict, i.e. the conflict between the speaker and his interlocutor does not exist, as it may seem at first glance, due to the fact that there is no agreement between them. The lack of a linguistic conflict between them is seen in the presence of the completion of their discussion – it is concluded by the confirmation of their friendly relations.
The indicator of cooperation in communication is the duration of the role of the speaker, i.e. the duration of his monologue. The longer the speaker is allowed to talk, the bigger the patience to take that role – this enhances the cooperative attitude among interlocutors. Similarly, as the speaker is growing more tolerant towards the interlocutor, i.e. he is trying harder to give a chance to the interlocutor to speak, his cooperative attitude is more pronounced.
Among the abovementioned features of successful gossip, the main indicator of cooperation seems to be the progressive development of the topic of conversation and the expression of consent. If it had not been for this, the gossip actually would not have been realized in communication, or it would be reduced only to an attempt. In sum: no collaborator, no gossip.

177 Валентина П. Mусієнко (Черкассы)
Discoursive Aspect of Intertextuality in the Olga Kobylianska’s Novel “Tsarivna”

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The study is focused on intertextuality as a phenomenon of discourse practice represented in the novel “Tsarivna” (“The Princess”) written by famous Ukrainian writer of XIX c. Olga Kobylianska. The author identifies the sources of intertextuality – not only fiction texts and poetry, but the traces of different knowledge systems and discourses (philosophical, feministic, socialistic, Marxist), determines the functions of the intertextual elements in the image content of the novel plot, proposes a reconstruction of Olga Kobylianska’s intention to use a vertical context, and also discusses the influence of intertextuality on the fiction text perception.

189 Ксенија Кончаревић (Београд)
On Some Aspects of the Communicative Culture of Clergy in the Serbian Speaking and Socio-cultural Community

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The paper represents an attempt of the empiric analysis of the communicative culture (verbal as well as non verbal communicative behaviour and particularly the culture of speech) of the parish clergy in the Serbian speaking and socio-cultural community, using the complex methodology, based on the models of research founded in the Russian communicative linguistics (Voronezh school). On the bases of inclusive observation, as well as the polling of the representative sample of participants, the author has identified, according to several parameters, differential streaks of the professional-communicative personality of a parish priest, which, so far, has not been the subject of, either theoretical-conceptional or evaluative (experimental) analysis. One of the most important findings is that the speech of a parish priest is characterised by emphatic normativeness of expression and distinctive use of literary layers of lexis. The noticed characteristics of the verbal communicative behaviour of a parish priest motivated us to conclude that, both in Serbian speaking and socio-cultural community, it is possible to talk about the elements of Orthodox sociolect as a socially marked subsystem of the national language, which fulfils the communication needs of a social group of clergy, monks, seminary and theology students, employees of church institutions and lay communicants, and which is characterised by the specificities especially in the lexical level.

201 Milosav Ž. Čarkić (Belgrade)
The Left Boundary of Rhyme

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In the article The Left Boundary of Rhyme the author points out erroneous attitudes and standpoints which exist in versification, i.e. the study of verse. Namely, it has often been, and is still maintained that the left boundary of rhyme corresponds to the stressed vowel in the words that rhyme. However, that claim holds true for a small number of examples, while in a large number of cases there is a collision between the left boundary of rhyme and the stressed vowel. Our investigation, conducted on a corpus from Serbian poetry, has shown that the beginning of rhyme in many cases does not correspond with a stressed vowel. As we have shown, in one type of case with several variations the beginning of rhyme corresponds with the beginning of the rhyming words, while in the other type, also characterized by several variations, the rhymes begin with a consonantal phoneme, either in one or both the rhyming units. Only in one case at the beginning of rhyme, in one of the rhyming lexical units, do we find stressed vowels.

217 Ана Јекић (Београд)
The Cross in the Circle. Circle as Image and Process in John Donne’s Poems Upon the Annunciation and Passion and Good Friday 1613. Riding Westward

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Inspired by the paper “Circles and Circumvention in Donne’s Sermons” by M. L. Hall, this article deals with the analysis of two divine poems by John Donne – Upon the Annunciation and Passion and Good Friday 1613. Riding Westward and the circle imagery used in them.
The author of the article starts from the statement that Donne uses circle both as an image and as a personal process of gradual approach to God and Truth. Since circle is a perfect geometric figure, with no end and no beginning it symbolises God and the perfection of His plan for the Salvation of man and the whole creation. The life-giving sacrifice of Christ is the Cross planted in the centre of this circle, which makes it even more perfect. We have analysed this in the poem Upon the Annunciation and Passion, which was written in 1608 when Good Friday fell upon the feast of Annunciation. This alliance of two apparently opposite feasts, which actually belong to one and the same act of Salvation, represents the actual confirmation of the perfection and “roundness” of God’ plan.
In Good Friday 1613. Donne describes the path of conversion – from sin, through meditation, which prepares the soul for receiving God, to the actual repentance, brought about by redeeming love and mercy of Christ. This approach to God is, according to Donne, always gradual and the process of it resembles а circle. The Crucifixion stands in the centre of this process of conversion, and drives it to its completion.

227 Андреј Стојановић (Београд)
Lexical and grammatical characteristics of modern expressionist poetry

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The expressionist poetry of Sanda Ristic-Stojanovic has not been considered from a purely grammatical nor from a stylistic point of view. It was determined by our analysis, which was left at the entrance of grammatical stylistics, that a lexical-grammatical dominant (“lexical-grammatical sign”) of a poet’s writing in the book Тишина разликује светлости. The dominant is composed of: 1) an intentional use of inclusions (loans) on the lexical level; 2) preference for aorist on the morphological level and 3) a genitive syntagm (without preposition), word order and figurative concatenation on the syntactic level.

235 Андрей А. Богатырёв (Тверь)
Plastic imagery and hermeneutic horizons of expectation in fiction narrative

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The Stylistic study of belles-lettres texts in general and especially that of poetic translation should not be confined to word-for-word and grammatical structure comparisons only, since every true poetic text appeals to Reader’s Imagination. The latter one (in reverse) acts hand in hand with Reader’s text comprehension, producing certain plastic imagery. Such inferred plastic images, objects, simulacra both named and unnamed in the text (that is ‘lacunae’, ‘gaps’ or ‘Leerstellen’ according to Wolfgang Iser’s terminology) interact intensively in textual possible world construction and textual meaning construction.
Evocative and provocative potential of imagined three-dimensional entities in stereoscopic environment should be carefully examined in the light of local and then – in the light of major aesthetic effect, provided by the author’s Implied Reader oriented rhetoric.
The study of a few poetic narratives allows us to discover the importance of so named by us transgredient – that is taken as both transitory and transgressive – plastic elements in poetic depiction. The latter contribute to narrative intrigue as rather polyvalent, unsteady, evasive as well as contradictory, ironic and subversive elements. Being examined at close range they appear to be undermining one-sided interpretation of the narrative and in doing so – pointing to major metaphysical meaning. So the depiction of Roderic Usher’s head by Edgar Poe (1839) proves to be a sum of symptoms of Melancholy and a rather indeterminate and vague sketch of an old human head.

249 Violetta Machnicka (Siedlce)
Linguistic means rendering the sense of humour of young Bolesław Prus

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The author concentrates on the linguistic analysis of the early works of Aleksander Głowacki, that is the tests created between 1873 and 1875, which were initially printed mostly in such magazines as Mucha, Kolce, and Kurier Warszawski. The works represent characteristic, juvenile type of literary output and the sense of humour of the author just commencing his literary career. In the first part of the article there are definitions concerning various issues in the field of humorous writing. Then the collected material is analysed in several groups according to particular forms and types of linguistic means in order to amuse the readers:
I. Titles of the works and collected works, dedications, epigraphs.
II. Golden thoughts, aphorisms, proverbs, catchphrases.
III. Periphrastic and hyperbolic structures and comparisons.
IV. Meaningful proper names.
V. Lexical, phraseological morphological and semantic neologisms, ambiguous vocabulary, stilized texts.

269 Oльга A. Прохватилова (Волгоград)
Possibilities of sound and prosodic interpretation of A. P. Chekhov early prose: characters images

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This article reveals the possibilities of sound and prosodic interpretation of early Chekhov’s prose. It contains a description of prosodic means for creation of characters’ images in dramatic reading of A. P. Chekhov’s short stories. Substantive components of their sound and prosodic interpretation are exposed. The nature of differences in performers’ variants and their conditionality by writer’s poetics features is established.

283 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno)
New Challenges to Genre Studies (Genology)

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The author of the present contribution deals on the example of the two new works, a short narrative of a Czech prose writer of a younger generation (Jiří Šimáček: Snaživky. Větrné mlýny, Brno 2009) and a loose cycle of three novels written by a Slovak writer (Tibor Ferko: Občan O(t)O. Fiktívny príbeh s prvkami faktu. Vydavateľstvo Pozsony/Pressburg/Bratislava 2003. Lásky hra osudná. Spolok slovenských spisovateľov, Bratislava 2006. Pokušenie starého kocúra. Vydavateľstvo Pozsony/Pressburg/Bratislava 2010) going back to his youth spent in the 1960s with the polarization of the two different approaches towards the genre structure based on a different feeling of space and time. While the author of the ”lowest form of the novel” applies the language of advertisements, that of rapid motions of contemporary world of new technologies including various abbreviations, contractions, vulgar expressions in the framework of a loose composition focusing on a group of young girls looking for better social positions with their philosophy of consumption, bank statements and heritages, the creator of the trilogy connected with the environment of the western part of the High Tatras who was being formed in the 1960s, in the period of democratization of the communist regime in former Czechoslovakia which ended in tragic days of Soviet occupation tries to formulate his creed, life philosophy under the impact of his human fate in a chain of confessions based on reading the most important European philosophers confronting them with Eastern wisdom. His novels are more traditional, containing the strata of confessions, comments and fragments of a personal story. While the structure of the former is simple, transparent, a little chaotic and ambivalent, absurd and amorphous, the latter demonstrates the ability of the author to create a rather complicated narrative entity not resigning from the feeling of the meaningfulness of human lives. Both of the genre types represent a serious challenge to genre theory and genre (genological) interpretation of the efficiency of the two genre structures – one more pragmatic, the other based on the 19th and 20th-centuries narrative tradition.

295 Сергей Л. Фокин (Санкт-Петербург)
Dostoevsky’s text in L.-F. Celine’s novel Journey to the End of the Night

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The article deals with Dostoevsky’s text reflections in L.-F. Céline’s novel Journey to the End of the Night (Voyage au bout de la nuit) from the author’s point of view, given in the letter to the “New French Review” (Nouvelle revue française) publishing house. As follows from the plot generation, Bardamu is the author’s later creative windfall. In the first variant of the text the main character’s name was Robinson, hence Céline came to the idea of the character’s “bisecting” while improving the book. From this point of view Robinson turns out to be Bardamu’s “counterpart”, sporadically appearing in the form of an upturned specular reflection. This motive of foolish “doubleness” repeatedly appears in the Céline’s novel, becoming one of the most obvious ways of composition fastening. On the other hand in his transparently symbolic and clearly autobiographic personage Bardamu Céline makes a new type of “an underground man”, creating the closest affinity between him and Dostoevsky’s world outlook. Here the question is neither in the problematic infl uence of a notorious “Dostoevskyism” on the writer’s mind, nor in the possible parody to “Crime and Punishment”, seen in the whole structure of “Journey to the End of the Night”, but in the psychological typology of modern man, where Céline, connecting his insights in human nature with Freud’s psychoanalysis got to the very psychological hyperrealism which had provoked “Notes from Underground”, “A Gentle Creature” or “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”.

307 Клара Е. Штайн (Сeвастополь)
The first work of a poet as a semiological fact

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As an aesthetic object the first work of a poet is inferior to his mature creations, but in the context of individual style the first work is an especial sign – a sign of the initiation, it implies links with previous and explicates relations with the subsequent texts in the wide context of creativity of the artist. The first work becomes a basis for understanding of author’s cultural awareness, an indicator and the proof of unity of all his creativity. The first work could be presented as some “primordial situation” that precedes and supports all subsequent manifestations of poet’s creative process according to the law of growing complexity.
It is necessary to raise the following problems: 1) the problem of authenticity, or authorship, of the first work (what text could be regarded as “the first”); 2) the problem of anticipation (tendency forward) – links between the first work and the subsequent ones in creativity of an artist; 3) the problem of recursiveness (tendency backward) – relations of the first work of the artist with previous texts.
Authenticity of the first work is its bringing by a poet into accord with his personality, with necessity to express that he wants, that is a direct link establishment between inner spiritual world language on which the artist realizes itself, and the language of art. In system of the first texts practically all poets have works which is possible to name metapoetic texts-authenticators. They are named texts-authenticators because, as a rule, they include explication of the moment of authorship comprehension, when an author realizes his belonging among a community of poets. The concept of the first work is relative: to the greatest degree it corresponds to that early work which is authentic for the poet, especially if authenticity can be explicated in the metapoetic texts – verses, articles, letters about poetry, a poet, creativity – or takes place in the works which are in one time frameworks with the first work.
Anticipation is the foresight of principles, methods, means, devices, characteristic for the subsequent creativity, in the first work, in other words, it is anticipation of the general contour of all system on one of its elements – the first work.
Recursiveness of the first work is realized in three basic directions: 1) from the first work to predecessors (connection to an art paradigm); 2) from the first work to archetypes under the law of “an independent complex” (K. Jung); 3) from the first work to infinities of the language, because the very fi rst word was a poetry too (A. A. Potebnja).
The first product which sometimes seems to be not too considerable, in the course of research appears to be symbolic, and insignificant becomes in the basic structural position.

319 Снежана С. Башчаревић (Лепосавић)
Function of the Fragment in the Texts of Isidora Sekulić

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An interesting point about Isidora Sekulić’s essay writing lies in the fact that there is almost no topic that failed to draw the attention of her inquisitive spirit. Whatever theme she touched, she reflected a spiritual generosity and devotion to the selected matter. Isidora Sekulić’s writing style has an increased dose of an affective tone reached at the level of linguistic organization, and her accumulated stylistic devices encourage the creation of a euphonic rhetoric, very close to her concept of literature. To the objection that her writings, especially long ones, are oft en deprived of systematic interconnection, one can answer that is not far from the truth, but does not imply an automatic evaluation of such a compositional fact. Isidora Sekulić’s writings certainly boast the dynamics of letter writing, either as a direct expression of a decentralized text and, in some cases, a reversible structure, or as a reflexion of special syntactic turns. This work is not aimed at systematically analyzing the whole opus of Isidora Sekulić, but it points to some evident elements of modern concepts of literature and to the modernity of the stylistic and linguistic organization of her texts. The fragment is an essential structural characteristic of the texts of Isidora Sekulić. Her great ability at identifying with the atmosphere and the fate of her creative ventures, as well as a certain rapture and an ability to be captivated, made Isidora Sekulić discover “expansive emotional values” in her fragments. She always writes something that is either less or more than an article. In many fragments of her works, more frequently and more characteristically than all the essayists in Serbian literature, Isidora wrote about herself, expressively and directly. With such fragments of hers, the essay in Serbian literature ceases to be a dry preface or an ex cathedra work and richly develops in the direction of a free and extremely personal interpretation and attitude. It is not unjust to conclude that in her fragments we may find a key not only to the understanding of the awakened situations of her life and literature, but also to the whole process and denouement. Those are not always aphorisms – they are very often bitterly confessional moments of a very personal and experienced analysis of phenomena. The fragments affirm the restlessness of her curiosity, the complexity of her approach to the complex and unique galaxies of modern times. Thereby they speak about the modern character of Isidora Sekulić’s art. Both at the beginning and at the end of the literary course of this writer, the fragment was a direct and decisive structure, as, according to Stanislav Vinaver, it is the fate of the modernist literary style.

329 Горан Максимовић (Ниш)
Forgotten travelers three Serbian 19th century (Sava Bjelanovic, Dragomir Brzak, Mita Djordjevic)

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In the introductory part of the experiment is made literature and history review of the life and literary activity of three forgotten traveler Serbian 19th century, the Sava Bjelanovic (1850–1897), Dragomir Brzak (1851–1904) and Mita Djordjevic (1862–1950). In the central part of the experiment was made traveling interpretation of their acts. Segregate the travel Savа Bjelanovic Through Slavic countries (1897), Dragomir Brzak On the Avala Bosporus, travel notes from the campaign Belgrade singing society in April 1895th yr. (1897), and two travel Mitа Djordjevic: On the road through the southern Serbian (1904) and With the Danube in the Drina River. Itinerary in Banja Koviljaca and the environment with a view to the life of Serbian people in these areas (1908).

339 Денис И. Петренко (Ставрополь)
Vitalictic ideas of K. I. Chukovsky’s metapoetics

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Vitalism is the philosophical, natural-science doctrine about “vital force” as a special principle or a source that control phenomena in live organisms. K. I. Chukovsky’s linguistic vitalism is a wider concept, than concept of vitalism in natural-science knowledge. It is expressed in symphonic active character of the language personality of K. I. Chukovsky himself which is realized through a wide dialog with society, and also in his understanding language as an active, live, vital phenomenon filled with internal energy, spirit of creation.
The linguistic vitalism is K. I. Chukovsky’s research of vital force, vital potentialities of language. Vital properties of language are its vitality, its features that correspond with live system characteristics. Vitality of language is opposed to lethal tendencies in it.
For K. I. Chukovsky language is a live organism, it is similar to a human organism, has its own “biography”. The initial position of K. I. Chukovsky’s understanding of language is vitalistic: language is a healthy and strong organism which is being in movement, in “dynamics of continuous growth”. Dynamics of language K. I. Chukovsky sees in a birth, dying out of words, in interaction of language subsystems. Internal self-organizing of language, movement of its elements are continuous, constant, it causes a language life.
K. I. Chukovsky understands language as an active live system with its own intentions. This system is a complete unity in which each part submits to the whole. At the heart of language, in Chukovsky’s view, is vital force – “the spirit of the language”, “language element”, language has its own “nature”, therefore native speakers should develop “sense of style”, “a language scent”, “hearing to language”. These concepts are connected, on the one hand, with Gumboldt-Potebnja’s understanding of language as an active system having its own force, possessing special “spirit”. On the other hand, they correlate with vitalistic concepts that life of organisms is under control of special force (“entelecheia”) which provides their rational structure.
K. I. Chukovsky develops the organismic conception of language. Language possesses “mighty forces”, but as the organism, “requires treatment”. K. I. Chukovsky names a condition of modern Russian language “illness”, divides “original” illnesses of language and “imagined infi rmities”. “Illnesses” of language not cured in time lead to its “death”, occurrence of “dead”, “standard” words, “wild, unnatural” links between them, contradicting the “spirit” of language, its internal aesthetic requirements.
“Dead” speech is a symptom of a serious social illness – “ignorance of souls”. Possibility to struggle for “a healthy society” K. I. Chukovsky sees in unselfi sh, courageous work of intelligentsia on people education, giving knowledge of original culture to people, “service to them”.
The criteria of supreme values is put in the basis of K. I. Chukovsky’s theory of language. Language for him is one of forms of life. This form of life requires safety, realizing that it has very valuable character. To know it means to behave in an adequate way, to keep identity of language as “live system”, to keep identity of the nation and native culture.

349 Alena Jaklová (České Budějovice)
Periodicals published in the Czech language by Czech immigrants in the usa in the 19th and 20th century

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The study presents a general characterization of the periodicals published in Czech by Czech immigrants in the United States of America. This characterization consists of three main spheres: 1) The development of the Czech language and its changes within a foreign-language background as well as different ethnic environment in America. 2) The changes of the forms and functions of Czech-American journalism. 3) The reflections which focus on the changes of the national identity as perceived by the members of the Czech diaspora, and which are based on the application of interdisciplinary communicative approach.

357 Александр Гадомский (Симферополь)
Russian theolinguistics: history, research areas

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This article presents the history and basic directions of research Russian theolinguistics. In this case, using the word “Russian”, we are talking about research being conducted on the material of the Russian language, the works written in Russian, etc. Researchers who are interested in the theolinguistics problems do not necessarily live in Russia or are its citizens. Among them are representatives of Belarus, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine and other countries.

375 Иван Димитријевић (Нови Сад)
One possible semantization of the first names Marc and Andrew as the contribution to the explanation of the role of Marko Kraljevic in Serbian folklore

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Looking for an answer on the question of the cause of Marko Kraljevic’s glory in Serbian epic poetry unproportional to his historical role, the author researched a constant link which could have spread his popularity and maintained it in the form of folksongs for centuries under the Turkish occupation of Serbia. After analyzing a previous hypothesis the author focused on the historical status of Marko as a real heir to the Serbian crown but without real influence in the time of the fall of the Serbian medieval empire, as well as on his role of an apocalyptic saviour, confirmed in Serbian folklore. That role was a result of the Serbian people identifying the tragic fall of their country with Marko’s misfortune of losing power, but this was not his primary function in legends. For that role of saviour, which is an incarnation of God of Vegetation, according to the author, Marko has been chosen due to his and his brother’s (Andrija) personal names, which coincides with the names of the months when nature reawakes and dies, March and November (Andrejscak in South Slavic dialect). Many superstitious beliefs involving bears describe such cycle, like celebrating that animal on the day dedicated to Saint Andrew, from whom the name Andrejscak was derived, bear totem in the tribe Kuci, which takes it’s origin after one legend from the Marco’s family (his oncle Gojko), tradition of eating bear’s meat as an act of contagious magic to recharge one’s strength for spring farming season. And above all, similarity between bears and saviour figure, which both enter in the cave to sleep for a long period of time and come out to announce either the arrival of spring or salvation of the people who glorifies them. The author presented the development of the roles played by Marko and Andrija in Serbian epic poetry from spring and winter incarnation figures like matriarchal Gods of Vegetation to patriarchal martial Gods, concluded that renewal of the land as a vegetation lead to the renewal of the land as a country with Marko playing the most important role.

391 Јелена Јовановић (Београд)
On the Sentence Observed from the Linguistic and Stylistic Standpoints

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This paper demonstrates that the basic cell of communication is the utterance – i.e. any form pronounced as an independent unit and used to convey information. A sentence is a structure which, both in isolation and in groups of sentences, serves to activate the utterance with the aim of conveying information: it is a language form with the referential function. According to that, the two types of forms of utterance, the non-predicative and the predicative, are in principle equal in terms of use. The indicators of predication have a special role: they refer to the contents of the words drawing on particular circumstances, in such a way that the interlocutor understands what facts the speaker is referring to. The conclusion is that the finite verb form is the focal point which makes language as functional and as essential in the lives of individual humans and groups, as is any human community.

399 Алма Чаркић (Тузла)
Linguists on Interjections

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In the last thirty years interjections have become the subject of many studies, as discourse became the focus of research and the language periphery attracted the attention of different linguistic disciplines. However, even though numerous, these studies have not been systematic. Nowadays the investigation of interjections is characterized by various approaches, which also bring out diff erent problems related to this part of speech. In this paper we have presented an overview of the study of interjections including the investigations of 19th and 20th century linguists, focusing on those dealing with their phonetic features. We came to the conclusion that the linguistic studies of this period are mainly focused on the unusual sound composition of interjections and their sound symbolism. They are regarded as remnants of the pre-linguistic code, universal natural signs which do not have to be learned, prompting the linguists to ask the following questions: do interjections differ from spontaneous reflexive sounds, are they on the boundary between linguistic and non-linguistic, or linguistic and inarticulate signs, and do they have to be accommodated within the conventional system of language symbols?

409 Александр В. Петров (Симферополь)
The productivity of borrowed stems in Russian compounds

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Stem-productivity explained by scientists as a result of extra-linguistic and intra-linguistic factors, reinforcing each other.
Extra-linguistic factors determine, for example, dying of formerly active stem соц-, formed from the adjective социалистический, and productivity increase of stem соц-, formed from социальный. Some intra-linguistic reasons can be attributed to the extinction of stem-productivity меж- from международный.
There is a displacement of stems, formed from the adjective геологический: геол- (due to discordant) and гео- (due to the overlap with the stem, formed on the basis of lexeme географический) and increase of the productivity of the stem геолого-.
There is a reborn of composite stems into abbreviated stems in the Russian language: аромато- → арома-, декоративно- → декор- as well as their reborn into stems of the mixed type: акусто- from акустико-, опто- from оптико-, социо- from социальн-ый, энергетико- from энергетическ-ий, etc.
At the same time stem-composition is characterized by a double reduction: информационно- → информ → инфо-; фармако- → фарма- → фарм-; экономическ-ий → экономико- → эконом-; энергетическ-ий → энергетико- → энерго-.
A stem of the same shape can be correlated with same-rooted lexemes, so that is a marker for different meanings: биб ← библиотечный, биб ← библиотека, биб ← библиографический; эконом- ← экономическ-ий, эконом- ← экономн-ый.
There are some new stems, appeared in the Russian language: -социум and социумно-, арома-, декор-, -оптик, фитоарома-, экзо- and others.

421 Зоран Ранковић, Mилосав Вешовић (Београд)
The Semantics of the Adjective Apistos in the Gospel and in the Epistles of St. Apostle Paul

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The adjective Apistos in the New Testament reveals two meanings, potential and active. The potential meaning “incredible” has been testifi ed in one place only. The use of this adjective with its active meaning “who does not believe, distrustful, suspicious” is much more frequent. Th is adjective is also used as a substantive with the meaning “pagans, non-Christians, gentiles” but meaning “heretics, false teachers”, as well. This article deals with the stated meanings of this adjective and shows the parallel translations in old Serbian texts.

429 Надежда И. Aлмазова, Валерия Е. Чернявская (Санкт-Петербург)
Didactic process as a polycode phenomenon

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Foreign language deduction is considered in the following article in its semiotic complexity, as a process for which not only verbal but also non-verbal signs are essential. This approach is actual and new for it unites the latest ideas of modern linguistics, semiotics and also traditional didactic approach. Thus, it is pointed out that the modern linguosemiotics and pragmatics consider the communication as a complex process that combines verbal signs and non-verbal constituents of communication: visual, audial, gestures and mimics, colour components etc. This semiotic complexity of communication is described with terms “multimodality, polycode phenomena, polycode stretch of communication”. The authors show how by teaching the foreign language and – what is more – the foreign culture the polycode specific of communication should be taken into consideration, especially by developing the system of didactic strategies and lessons.

437 Ивана Кнежевић (Београд)
Intercultural problems of translating

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It is the fact that cultural elements and systems usually do not match between two cultures which use different languages. There are certain terms for the cultural elements in one language which have no corresponding translation equivalent in some other language. It is seen as one of the main problems in the field of translation. This article deals with the problem of translation processes which are used to produce the best possible solution in English language for those lexemes in Serbian which are specific only for the Orthodox Christianity.

Book Reviewsdownload all reviews (2,44MB)

449 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno)
Milosav Ž. Čarkić, On Poetic Language – Belgrade: Institute for the Serbian Language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2010, s. 245.

451 Горан Максимовић (Ниш)
Михаило Максимовић, Мали буквар за велику децу, приредила: Мирјана Д. Стефановић, Колекција: Нова српска књижевност, XVIII век, Службени гласник, Београд, 2009.

455 Ксенија Кончаревић (Београд)
А. К. Гадомский, Ч. Лапич, Хрестоматия теолингвистики. Симферополь: Универсум, 2008, 352 стр.

459 К. Е. Штайн, Д. И. Петренко (Ставрополь)
Мария П. Котюрова. Стилистика научной речи. Учебное пособие. – Пермь: Пермский государственный университет, 2009. – 363 с.

465 Борис Хлебец (Београд)
Milosav Ž. Čarkić, On Poetic Language – Belgrade: Institute for the Serbian Language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2010, s. 245.

466 Markéta Maturová (České Budějovice)
Malina, Jaroslav. Antropologický slovník aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění). – Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2009. – 304 s.

468 Vladimír Patráš (Banska Bistrica)
Findra, Ján. 2009. Jazyk v kontextoch a v textoch. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2009. 317 s.

471 Aлександра Mарковић (Београд)
Александр Киклевич: Притяжение языка. Том 3: Грамматические категории. Синтаксис. – Olsztyn, 2009, стр. 460.

475 Јелена Јовановић (Београд)
Александар Милановић, Језик српских песника. Београд: Завод за уџбенике, 2010, стр. 235.

480 Катарина Митрићевић-Штепанек (Београд)
Jan Chromý, Eva Lehečková (eds.), Rozhovory s českými lingvisty II. Akropolis, Praha, 2009, стр. 344.

485 Јелена Јовић (Београд)
Ка истоку (Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, Tom I, Olsztyn 2010, 552 s.)

487 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno)
А. А. Кораблев: Пределы филологии. Министерство образования и науки Украины‚ Донецкий национальный университет‚ Российская Академия Наук‚ Сибирское отделение‚ Институт филологии‚ Издательство со ран‚ Новосибирск 2008.

491 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno)
Поэтика русской литературы. Сборник статей. Отв. ред. Н. Д. Тамарченко. Российский государственный гуманитарный университет‚ Москва 2009.

493 Маја Д. Стојковић (Ниш)
Јован Пејчић, Истина и облик живе речи – Књижевни разговори Бранимира Ћосића, Admiral books, Београд 2010.

Current Issuesdownload current issues (325KB)

499 Данијела Костић (Ниш)
Оксидативни стрес и антиоксидативна заштита

Anniversariesdownload anniversaries (552KB)

505 Мария П. Котюрова (Пермь)
М. Н. Кожина: «Творческого спада не знала никогда»

509 Mилосав Ж. Чаркић (Београд)
Поводом јубилеја професора Маргарите Николајевне Кожине

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